Instills in all of us. Its about the discipline. Its about the honor. The respect. Its about who she is. And who she wants us to become. As professionals, as people, as leaders, as student leaders, as a generation for all to be able to communicate and touch other people. So we want to thank her for that, and i want to leave you with this. Because some people say shes a disciplinarian. So discipline is a symbol of caring to a child. Discipline is guidance. If there is love, there is no such thing as being too tough with a child. This is by betty davis. Thank you for your time. [applause] thank you. Wow. Sorry, esther. I may take longer than you planned. Wow. I will try to go through this without tears. I have been saying that its an outofbody experience from the process of nomination to getting the phone call. A few months ago. To attending the ceremony at d. C. , and sitting across the table from secretary duncan. Its all been just a dreamlike. I am really, really abit overwhelmed at t
Here. Mrs. Mendoza. Here. Dr. Murase. Here. Mrs. Ms. Ly. Ms. Wong. Join me in the pledge of allegiance if you like. Mr. Superintendent. Thank you, Vice President norton. Good evening, everyone. I would like to announce that commissioners, wynn and norton and hany were sworn into office for four year terms by representatives and attorney general. The swearingin ceremony took place last friday at Tenderloin Community school. A hearty congratulations, and welcome to new commissioner haney and welcome back to commissioners fewer, wynn and nort norton. Thank you, mr. Superintendent. Now we will begin this evening as we do on the first meeting of every year with a special order of business, as stipulated in series 9000, the board will read out their rules and procedures, and may i hear motions on this item. So moved. Second. Any speakers . No. Is there any comments or questions on the rules of procedure . Yes, commissioner wynn. I wanted to point out that the board, the rules committee and t
Undisciplined mind leads to negative. And i thought about that quote, i think about all the things that this stands for and what these awards and accolades stand for. Its a testament to her hard work and dream. A lot of times we dream and never see the end. Liana has dreamed it and lived it and struggled through it and this is where it is. This is where her dream lies. She told me earlier, this isnt about me. And it never is. Its about or dream and what she instills in all of us. Its about the discipline. Its about the honor. The respect. Its about who she is. And who she wants us to become. As professionals, as people, as leaders, as student leaders, as a generation for all to be able to communicate and touch other people. So we want to thank her for that, and i want to leave you with this. Because some people say shes a disciplinarian. So discipline is a symbol of caring to a child. Discipline is guidance. If there is love, there is no such thing as being too tough with a child. This
Reiterate there are sections that we assigned to various committees not the rules committee. And the Grounds Commission and the curriculum section to the curriculum committee, etc. And we hope to complete that this year. Thank you, any other comments from the board . Roll call. Ly. Yes. Wong. Yes. Fewer. Yes. Haney. Yes. Mendoza. Yes. Dr. Murase. Aye. Norton. Aye. Wynns. Seven ayes. Now we proceed to the annual election of officers for the board of education. As a reminder to the board and public, this election is by voice vote. And we do not need a second, and its permisable for a member to vote for themselves. Good to know. Board members you will vote by name. If only one nomination, or more than you vote by aye or nay. I declare that the floor is open for the nomination of president for board 2013. I would like to nominate our current Vice President , rachel norton. Any further . If no more, i declare the nomination closed. Commissioner norton, i would like to move that we elect com
I am really, really abit overwhelmed at times. And its okay to take my picture off the website now, okay. But seriously, i want to please indulge me. I want to share some highlights from my bell award narrative. Quote, why would you teach chinese to them . They can barely speak english, she said. With 12 words, a colleague, a fellow professional educator defined my professional path. When i recalled this dismissal in those two sentences, i am reminded of the thing that inaudible in the intervening years. However these 12 words are not only enough to express the challenges that my team and i have faced, but they stand for our triumphs as well. Despite a skeptical and hostile environment, we survived. Starting in the 80s with just 25 students started as the First Chinese Public School opened in San Francisco in 1985. As i remember, i remember the quote, which would you teach chinese to them . I try to recall that and to what my colleague said has grown from a small pocket of multiethnic