In 2022, the world’s nations committed to protecting 30% of their land and sea by 2030 (the so-called “30×30” initiative). At sea, this will require a massive buildup of marine protected areas (MPAs), and countries have been announcing new ones regularly. But there’s also a different, less familiar option for meeting the 30% target: “other […]
KURUWITU, Kenya Six days a week, Katana Ngala reports to his workplace, a rudimentary open-air workshop by the beach. Neat and well-shaded under huge palm trees, his workshop is the heart of his community’s coral restoration project in Kuruwitu, an area comprising four fishing villages in Kilifi county, Kenya. On Ngala’s daily to do-list […]
KWALE and KILIFI COUNTIES, Kenya One June afternoon at the Mwanamia fish landing site on Kenya’s north coast, Garama Karisa was busy mending his gear for an afternoon fishing expedition. He expertly weaved his threaded needle, perfectly knotting a net composed of neat squares slightly larger than a saltine cracker. Other fishermen sat under […]