Ah franklin, a all ready news to talk about hackers, paralyzing the tire societies, computers that outs where you and governments that go crazy for your data. We explain how these technologies work, how they can go in for but how they can also go terribly. Watch it now on youtube. Ah, ah, ah. Nima my zation stigmatization expulsion. Mm. Ah. Cp all the prize you to see all the ideologies. You all the mistrust that was deeply rooted in the 17th and 18th century settled with no to me throughout the history of the crusade until the 16th Century Limited and the resurgence of blood live ohio, all fat vanished and suddenly the slate was right clear as to bessy, during the french revolution, dues and france had for the 1st time become citizens. This wave of emancipation brought hope to the rest of europe. But soon after, in an era marked by major transformations, new forms of anti semitism emerged. This time they were racially and politically motivated difficulties, antisemitism struck societi
Struggles in the christian christianity wants to come. That is why christianity used the figure of the gym as a guitar. Its a history of slender, of hatred and violence. A 3rd of our people were exterminated 6000000 jews, like microbes to be annihilated. Even 77 years after the holocaust hatred towards jews is still pervasive. History of antisemitism. This week on d. W. Mm. Mm. Ah, ah, demonize ation, stigmatization expulsion ah mm. See p o, the pleasure to see all the ideologies. You go the mistrust that was deeply rooted in the 17th and 18th century with the law with noticeable throughout the history of the crusades until the 16th century, the medium and the resurgence of blood libel high. All of that vanished. And suddenly the slate was right close to bessie. During the french revolution, dues and france had for the 1st time, become citizens. This wave of emancipation brought hope to the rest of europe. But soon after, in an era marked by major transformations, new forms of anti sem