Partner jonathan west in 1990. Jonathan was diagnosed with aids and was dying and dennis still involved with cannabis would give jonathan cannabis and the cannabis that jonathan received gave him substantial relief from the symptoms of aids. It helped him eat. It relieved pain. In the early case, many of the diseases that people were struck with were incredibly painful, whether it was the sarcoma lesions, which were unbelievably painful, or some of the bacterial infections that made it hard to eat, and hard to swallow. And so out of that came really the origins of the medical cannabis movement. Dennis opened the first cannabis club. And i believe i could be wrong, but i believe the very first one was the church at market, where people i think that was the original where people suffering tom aids would come and he would provide cannabis to them. That cannabis, like what happened with jonathan, would relieve their pain, would stimulate their appetite. Eventually, he opened a 5story club,
Integral part of the melk machine. Whenever harvey needed bodies, he called dennis, who had, at that time, a cannabis operation, obviously not legal at that time. Dennis could turn people out at a moments notice and did a lot to help harvey. He met and fell in love with his partner jonathan west in 1990. Jonathan was diagnosed with aids and was dying and dennis still involved with cannabis would give jonathan cannabis and the cannabis that jonathan received gave him substantial relief from the symptoms of aids. It helped him eat. It relieved pain. In the early case, many of the diseases that people were struck with were incredibly painful, whether it was the sarcoma lesions, which were unbelievably painful, or some of the bacterial infections that made it hard to eat, and hard to swallow. And so out of that came really the origins of the medical cannabis movement. Dennis opened the first cannabis club. And i believe i could be wrong, but i believe the very first one was the church at m
Miss the N.Y.C. Subway? These Radio Plays Bring It Back to Life
A new audio series from Rattlestick Playwrights Theater imagines the bustle of the trains before the pandemic one story and one station at a time.
From left: Alexander Lambie, Ren Dara Santiago and Julissa Contreras, contributors to an audioplay series with episodes set inside the No. 2 train, at the Wakefield 241 Street station in the Bronx.Credit.Simbarashe Cha for The New York Times
Dec. 24, 2020
Jasmine, a student at Brooklyn College, sprints across the platform to catch an idling train. She had lingered on the No. 2 a second too long, distracted by a performer-cum-mystic doling out free advice that felt eerily relevant. Now she was moments away from missing her transfer.