Partner jonathan west in 1990. Jonathan was diagnosed with aids and was dying and dennis still involved with cannabis would give jonathan cannabis and the cannabis that jonathan received gave him substantial relief from the symptoms of aids. It helped him eat. It relieved pain. In the early case, many of the diseases that people were struck with were incredibly painful, whether it was the sarcoma lesions, which were unbelievably painful, or some of the bacterial infections that made it hard to eat, and hard to swallow. And so out of that came really the origins of the medical cannabis movement. Dennis opened the first cannabis club. And i believe i could be wrong, but i believe the very first one was the church at market, where people i think that was the original where people suffering tom aids would come and he would provide cannabis to them. That cannabis, like what happened with jonathan, would relieve their pain, would stimulate their appetite. Eventually, he opened a 5story club, and i talked about this before, around the corner on market street, more of an aids hospice than a cannabis club. Countless lives were saved by the work of dennis parone in the early days. Out of that came proposition 215, the medical Marijuana Law passed by the voters in 1996. Now this spread across the country. And we found that cannabis provides relief for people with h. I. V. Aids and a host of other conditions and, again, besides the lives that dennis saved in the early days, he continued to save lives through his advocacy for medical cannabis that really benefited patients all across the country and he created a movement. He changed history. You know, its funny, we now have prop 64 and january 1, here january 5, we have full legal cannabis. It strikes me as ironic. You would have thought that dennis had lived to see his greatest dream. But the full commercialization of cannabis is not something that dennis supported and he did not support prop 64. His view was that it was much like his close friend and my close friend Gilbert Baker that created the rainbow flag, which gilbert never patented. It was old hippie ethos, shared in love and if the for commercial gain. Its interesting that a lot of people that sacrificed a great deal to make the movement happen are not the people profiting today. As we go forward, we should keep that in mind. It is very difficult for many of us to have lost gilbert and dennis in the same year. Gilbert introduced me to dennis in 1996 and took me to the club where gilbert was the muralist in the building and, unfortunately, theyre gone, but several rooms gilbert painted. And i know for those folks who have been fighting this fight for so many decades within the medical cannabis movement, the aids movement, lgbt civil rights movement, this is a tremendous loss for our community. And were sad. But we also have to recognize that this was a person whose influence and impact were truly colossal and it was somebody that really was a great, great person to have sprung out of the freedom and the energy that we used to have in this city, where people would show up here, be able to define themselves authentically, often in confrontation with the existing power structure, something i fear, unfortunately, is ebbing away. I want to honor dennis and let his family know that were very sad for his loss and let the Community Know that were sad for his loss. Clerk thank you. Supervisor tang . Supervisor tang i have something amazing to submit but i will talk about it at a later time and want to welcome supervisor stephanie, excited to have you here and wish supervisor safai a happy birthday, but hes not here right now. Clerk thank you, supervisor tang. President breed . Supervisor breed i think you skipped over supervisor yee. Clerk at his request. Supervisor breed i have two items today. I will introduce a resolution to senate bill presented by scott weiner. San francisco has experienced a car breakin epidemic for far too long. We all see the broken glass on the streets every morning. Many of our residents who return to their car knows what it feels like when you walk up to your car and you see your window smashed. Its the worst feeling in the world. Many of our residents know what it feels like to shell out 300 that they really dont have to fix that car window. Personally, its happened to me and its happened, actually, in front of my own home. And we must do more to educate our residents and visitors on how to prevent car breakins. We need to ensure that the crimes can be effectively prosecuted, which is what this senate bill is all about. Last year we worked to increase Public Awareness about car breakins as a preventative measure. It requires rental Car Companies to notify and educate drivers on how to prevent car breakins. And were already seeing improvements in tourist hotspots. We know improving the education piece results in the reduction of car breakins, but we have to continue advancing Creative Solutions to address this epidemic. We have to solve for all neighborhoods in our city and not just areas where there are tourists. Believe it or not, under the current state law, breaking a car window is not enough to be convicted of a burglary. Think about that for a minute. Smashing a car window is not enough. Under current state law, a prosecutor must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the car was locked, regardless if the window was smashed or the door was forcibly opened. Who here remembers if you lock a car door. A tourist that rents a car will not come back to San Francisco and testify that they locked the doors. So this Legal Standard is not only out of date, but it makes it impossible for us to hold individuals committing these crimes accountable for doing so. Senate bill 916 will make it possible for prosecutors to prove individual committed an auto burglary if they broke the window period. Regardless if the doors were not locked or not. This is common sense legislation and i want to thank senator scott weiner for his levelheaded, common sense legislation and we need every tool possible in the tool book to address what we know as an em epidemic in San Francisco. Secondly, a hearing on trumps tax plan. Today we know that the president will give his state of the union address. Ive asked for a hearing request to ask the budget and legislative analysts as well as the controller to prepare comprehensive analysis of the impact of the trump tax package on our city and our residents. Particularly how we anticipate it will impact small businesses, homeowners, working families and what we can do locally to help our residents navigate this misguided policy. Tonight when he gives his state of the city address, state of the union address, we will, im sure, hear a lot of things we dont like. And weve been here before. And as a city, weve always stepped up and tried to be prepared, hope for the best, and try to be prepared for the worst. And this is one way in which we can do so. In december, our president said, we broke every record in describing a tax package that provides the most generous tax cuts to the wealthiest of americans, eliminated deductions for state and local income taxes, and severely limited the mortgage interest tax deductions. I heard from dozens of residents who are Property Owners in december scrambling to pay their property taxes in advance so they could be eligible for the deduction. People in our city are starting to feel the impact. People are scared and people want us to focus on fighting for them. We as a city need to know in detail how the policies will help our working families or teachers that have been able to purchase a home in the city and those who are still struggling to realize their dreams of home ownership. We need to know how local businesses that often file their businesses on their personal returns, how they will be impacted by the elimination of the state deductions. We need to know how the impacts of the removal of Tax Credit Program on our Housing Production and preservation work will be impacted. I believe the robust discussion well have will help us to identify every possible solution to support our residents and protect them from these harmful policies that are being imposed upon us and the rest i submit. Supervisor cohen rerefer. Supervisor fewer im calling for an update on vision zero. It began in 2014 as a measure to eliminate traffic fatalities using the tool kit of engineering, education and enforcement, despite the news theres been project on the vision zero goal that im growing increasingly concerned about Traffic Safety on our city streets. In the last few months alone, theres been several collisions. Its focused exclusive on Traffic Enforcement and investigation. What are the duties of traffic officers . I think its important to understand what districts theyre focusing on. Whether the enforcements are requestbased or databased. How are motorcycle solos dispatched, allocated across Police Precinct and how has that changed in the year since vision zero was adopted . How many times are they pulled off to do other duties such as Police Escorts and dignitaries . I hope that this will be an opportunity to better understand the role of the Traffic Company and how we can further strengthen our process to vision zero. And today supervisor ronen and i are calling for a hearing on gang injunctions, in response to a letter sent from a public defender to the City Attorney. Calling for the end to gang injunctions was discussed at a recent meeting of the reentry council, of which im a member. Gang injunctions were put into place in 2007. 10 years later, i have questions about whether they should continue to exist. Between 20072011, seven injunctions were brought covering four neighborhoods naming 139 people, all africanamerican and latino men. 10 years later in a different San Francisco, there are questions about the efficacy of these gang injunctions about the neighborhoods of color. Oakland eliminated gang injunctions and l. A. Has made major reductions to their list after an audit. Today i call for a hearing to hear the status of our own gang injunctions. The rest i submit. Clerk supervisor kim, not in chambers. Well go to rereferred. Supervisor ronen last night, over 200 chinesespeaking residents and merchants attended a packed meeting to share their concerns involving crime and violence in the neighborhood. Muggings, car breakins and home invasions continue to hurt residents of all ages. Ive heard of a disturbing amount of muggings. On january 19 a merchant had his laptop stolen and then was run over by a car. Its not okay that constituents of mine are afraid to walk home, do their Grocery Shopping or go to work. What is most frustrating to may constituents and to me is that currently there are no cantonesespeaking officers working in the portola neighborhood. And this is a neighborhood where 60 of the resideidents are of chinese dissent. In fact, the bayview station does not have even one cantonesespeaking officer right now. This is completely unacceptable. Im sure that supervisor cohen would agree for other neighborhoods where large numbers are cantonesespeaking, such as bayview, where 17 of the residents are cantonesespeaking. My office has been in conversation with the leadership of sfpd over the last month to demand that we get cantonesespeaking officers in the bayview station immediately. Captain steve ford and commander lazare made a promise to the community and put cantonesespeaking officers in the portola. Im glad and grateful this promise has been made and we will follow up to make sure its a reality. If that does not come to pass, im committed to looking into other possibilities, including legislation to make sure that it happens. The chinese residents in the portola deserve to feel safe. Secondly, and this is in response to supervisor cohens Statement Today that shes going to be introducing legislation or a resolution urging our mayor to appoint a caretaker mayor to district 2. Im hoping that we might have some unity here where we can move forward on an issue thats been plaguing the issue or this city for quite some time. Over the last five years, there have been numerous debates about San Franciscos unusual charter that i believe confuses the separation of powers by allowing the mayor to appoint supervisors and supervisors to appoint a mayor when theres a vacancy. Supervisor avalos introduced legislation in 2016 that ensured that its the public who represents their next supervisor and then in the short, interim period before a special election is called, that a caretaker is appointed in the interim. The legislation became known as proposition d. When a Supervisors Office is vacant, they appoint a caretaker that would be scheduled within five months time. I was a proud supporter of this ballot measure, because i believe that separation of power is fundamentally important part of our american government. And i say this with full respect for the supervisors on this board, tang, sheehy and stephanie. You have dedicated so much of your life to Public Service and im honored to be working with all three of you. We cannot legally move backwards on any of those appointments, but i do believe that we need to fix this charter moving forward into the future. Proposition d was barely defeated. It got 48 of the vote and thats after the mayor ran an active campaign against it, spending close to 2 million to defeat it. Today i will be asking the City Attorney to prepare a new version that will require caretaker positions for mayor and supervisors moving forward. We need to stop the seesaw of rallying for appointments when we split the candidate and against when we dont. We need to create clear rules that allow the people of San Francisco to elect the people serving them in elected government. So i really hope, supervisor cohen, that we can work on this issue together. That would be a great honor to me and i think could help us heal moving forward. With that, i submit. Clerk supervisor cohen . Supervisor cohen i have three items. Im asking the City Attorney to begin drafting legislation to landmark the historic Arthur Coleman medical building, which is on 3rd street in district 10. Dr. Arthur coleman was the bayviews first africanamerican physician and faithfully served the community for 20 years particularly when africanamericans didnt have the ability to go to any hospital in the city and county of San Francisco. Dr. Coleman originally opened his clinic with an array of Health Services to meet people where they are, creating access to community Health Services. Dr. Coleman helped black and brown students enter the field of medicine and create a thriving practice for black medical professionals. As San Francisco continues to change, its critically important for africanamericans to define our community and claim our history and protect the San Francisco cultural monuments for change. Beyond physically displacing people, trauma is afflicted. When people are priced out of a neighborhood from where they and their parents and grandparents lived, the family breaks down. Bayview clinic is continuing a legacy by providing low Income Health care for those on medical. And its creating a place where Community Members can receive every kind of care and learn healthy ways to live. I would lick like to honor this work by landmarking this building. A film about dr. Coleman will be shown as part of a Community Discussion on february 8 at 6 00 p. M. The next item im calling for today is to introduce a hearing request on Street Safety in the visitation valley portola neighborhood border, specifically calling question and attention to the intersection where they all meet together. What happened is tragic. Last tuesday, there was a tragic and fatal headon collision and people lost their lives. There have been numerous headon accidents, as twoway traffic tries to fit into a single line. Would i like to hear from sfmta about the changes made to the street in the last few years. And i will call on rec and park to come and defend its reconfiguration of the streets around mclaren park. Im considered in looking at data that they may have collected on collisions and other incidents and i want to understand mtas strategy for improving Street Safety in the neighborhood. I want to lift up and recognizing my friend and constituent arturo sandoval, who is here with us today, for bringing this important matter to my attention. In closing, i want to take a moment to express my concerns around the appointment process of new colleagues and then ultimately conversations that transpired last week when we were in the process of electing a new, interim mayor. As you recall at the Board Meeting last week, i want to recognize that i heard and understand the importance of the concerns of a caretaker mayor. Ive received that message and have had an opportunity to internalize and process it. And i heard what the body said, insurmountable advantage to any candidate, and to have somebody with incumbency would be to silence voters of San Francisco. I heard you when you said to give someone the incumbency provided an unfair advantage and the election of a mayor must not be in the hands of the board of supervisors. I understand the concerns about money, influence and politics. I understand the instincts to, of course, avoid paytoplay and back room deals. I understand all of these concerns and i believe they apply as much as the district 2 seat as they do to the Mayors Office. I had intended to introduce a resolution urging interim mayor farrell to appoint an interim to district 2 and that person pledge not to run, but thats moot now. And so i will not be introducing it, but im happy to circulate the language if anyone is interested in reading it. Supervisor stephanie, i want to welcome you to the board of supervisors. Weve been friends and allies for many years particularly on the subject of gun violence. And im still looking forward to taking your spin class, though i dont know if you will have time to teach. I want to be on record to say that i believe you will be a phenomenal supervisor. And i want to be on record that i believe that the politics of opportunity have led you to be here as theyve led supervisor sheehy, tang, christiansen, all at some point in the recent past. And for me it really does look like a back room deal to determine the outcome of the november 2 election. And, frankly, it flies in the face of everything that was discussed last week and i think its hypocritical. Supervisor stephanie, i certainly admire your ambition and your thoughtfulness and tenacity. At one point, i was cheering for you to get into the race for supervisor, to run on your own rite. But i i believe that in my eight years on the board of supervisors, my perspective has changed. When perspective changes, its a sign of growth and being able to stand publicly and acknowledge that theres been a change in thought and theres been a change in my thought process. Given i also want to acknowledge that im very pleased that instead of six women, we have now seven on the board. Men, better watch out. Were coming for you. [laughter] for the record, supervisor safai said hes ready. Given the conversation that happened last week in this room, i dont believe that the appointment should be anyone that intends to run. If its true for the Mayors Office that incumbency is an insurmountable advantage, its just as true for the supervisor race and that, colleagues, is not a level playing field, something we heard ironically play out yesterday or last week. Instead, people are standing on politics and particularly politics of opportunity and im asking people to stand on principle. And im happy to be a part of the conversation as we revive them and revisit about electing what it will look and feel like in the city and county of San Francisco. With that said, the rest i submit. Clerk thank you, suspects cohen. Supervisor kim . Supervisor kim i want to welcome supervisor stephanie and, yes, we have seven members. I was very touched by your speech this morning. It was a great way to begin your term serving on the board and im excited to work with you. Colleagues, i have two items that i want to introduce today. First, an issue that we hear about from all of our constituents. In 2014, my office pushed to start a pilot Pit Stop Program. When i ran for office in 2010, one of the top concerns i heard over and over from the tender loin residents is there was no place for people to use the restroom. And so they wanted to see monitored bathrooms in the tenderloin to help reduce the feces and urine they were seeing on the street. In 2014, we piloted three pit stops in the tenderloin and it had tremendous outcomes. Not only did residents and individuals without access to bathrooms have access that were clean with hand soap and toilet paper and hand towels, they had doggy bags and needle disposal. In that time, each worker picked up 40 bags of garbage per day and thousands of needles and im proud today that we have 17 pit stops throughout the city and we certainly have many more we need to put into place. Over the last two years, like you, colleagues, weve seen an increased number of complaints, emails and 311 calls about the cleanliness conditions of our streets. Its not uncommon to receive pictures and 311 outlined crisis were seeing in San Francisco. We now have the data that proves its actually the case. In the fiscal year 2015, we had 41,391 Street Cleaning Services orders put into place. The following year, 61,128. Last year, 74,187. We have seen close to a 70 increase in street cleaning requests over two years and this year, fiscal year 2018, half the way through, were at 52,884, which means were on pace to get 100,000 by the end of the fiscal year. To put this into a little more context, the district i represent, district 6, accounts for 1 3 of the Service Order requests every single year over the past two years. So we in San Francisco have a lot more we need to do. Whatever the cause, the source of this crisis, we need toal gait allocate more resources to public works. I appreciate the leadership of Department Head neru. This is not a blame game on anyone. I believe we need to give more resources to him so he can do his job. And i want to place some context on where San Francisco compares to other cities. In the u. S. , we did pretty well in terms of percentage of our budget allocated, but compared to cities in asia here we have 280 streetsweepers that cover 5 to 8 blocks per day, one for every 3,000 residents. The city of hong kong, win of has 7. 3 million people, have 4,000 streetcleaners, one for 1,800 people per day. The good news, in the last controllers report, we have sufficient surplus in our general finds and i, along with cosponsors, are moving ahead a cleaning and pilot supplemental in the amount of the surplus of 2. 5 million. At the beginning of the fiscal year, i had said if we saw any increases in our budget or any ftes, i wanted every single dollar to go to the department of public works because we know they need it and that its a priority for all constituents. When we laugh suffugh have s, we want to put our money where our mouth is and donate it to where people are asking for. This supplemental will expand manual street cleaning citywide. I want to be specific. Its manual street cleaning. People do the best job. It will also create jobs. It will move to Community Grants and staffing conditions. This 2. 5 million will result in almost 10 increase in our citys manual street cleaning budget and will be determined based on the data of street cleaning needs. This program incorporates the notion and practice of internship. We want to be sure theyre longterm careers for residents. And i want to thank bobby lopez in my office and public works for working with us to put forward the supplemental today. Next, im introducing a legislation for the San Francisco conservatory housing music project. Its a nonprofit Education Institution that has provided Music Education in San Francisco for 100 years. This project is calling for a 113 group dorm building that would dominate 420 students. We know we need to build more housing for students so that students arent on the market, our housing market, competing with families and seniors that are looking for housing. It calls for campuses to build their own housing. This site, however, does have 27 rentcontrolled units on site. And i want to appreciate the conservatory of music for listening to our concerns in ensuring that not a single resident gets evicted or replaced and that every household would get 27 replacement units set aside for existing tenants. And during the construction time, the conservatory and developer will pay to ensure that each one of the households has housing in the neighborhood until they can move back. Im incredibly concerned whenever we talk about the loss of rentcontrolled units. So when this project was first proposed, we made sure that this was the top priority of the developer and project sponsor to address. Im pleased to see the creativity that will provide Community Benefits and ensuring no displacement of 95 tenants displacement of any tenants in San Francisco. Its t i want to thank the project team for working closely with neighbors, including the van ness Neighborhood Council and hayes. I am also excited about the new cultural offerings. The rest i submit. Clerk thank you, supervisor kim. Madame president , that concludes new business. At this time, the public may address the board of supervisors for up to 2 minutes to include items with reference to 20 and 21. Public comment will not be allowed on the remaining items on the agenda, which has been previously subject to Public Comment. Please direct your remarks to the board as a whole and not to individual members of the board or to the audience. If you would like to display your documents on the overhead projector, please state such to sfgtv and then remove them for live coverage to return to the meeting. First speaker, please. Thank you, madame clerk, president breed, i ask for your resignations. You violated your oaths. You swore against all enemies, foreign and domestic. And yet have financed the citywide Case Management and citywide focus. The campus of university of california, which the city and county funds at the rate of 80 million per year. Citywide is this city and countys assertive treatment provider. As such, it is responsible for involuntary medicating and performing medical and surgical procedures on residents. It is able to do this only by depriving its patients of life and liberty. Citywide also deprives its patients of freedom of association all guaranteed by amendment 1. Citywide perpetrates unreasonable search and seizures without warrants in violation. Citywide denies patients the right to confront their accusers. Denied the right to jury trials. Exact cruel and unusual punishment from its patients. Citywide denies its patients personal security and bodily integrity by u. S. Constitution amendment nine. Citywide uses medicine to unnecessarily control its patients, because it offers them no answer of complaint, violates u. S. Constitution amendment 13. Citywide denies patients equal treatment under the law. You are knowledgable of these violations and yet you continue citywide Case Management. You violated your oath of office. I ask for your heresignation. Back to you, madame clerk. Can i put this up . There is something about truth. The gentleman that proceeded me, i have a feeling he is saying the truth. I really do. Anyway, ultimately truth is jesus christ. And this verse has to do with the ascension of christ and 40 days after his resurrection and how the gospel preachers proclaimed the gospel. It also has to do with judgment day and has a third application to what i believe took place in 1996. In a sense, you can sense the regeneration happened in 1996. What i mean by that, the bible teaches that how can i put this . Well, eventually, someday christ will come back and the bible teaches that since his birth, weve been in the last days, but we havent been at the time of the end of the last days until the times of the gentiles ended, 25, 30 years, when jerusalem was destroyed in the days of babylon. Thats how they were able to say the sixth trumpet would sound on 9 11. The genius of the Christian Faith is found in prophecy. If i was to say on valentines day george soros will die eating a cheesburger in new york and that happened, that would be a prophecy. We have guys that didnt know each other, that brought different details about the crucifixion of christ. Clerk thank you. Next speaker, please. Good after noon. Andrew here. Political leaders working on Economic Freedom and proliferation. More and more people have come to believe true principles for one mission. One should maintain the world where freedom of democracy and justice for all people in taking the right path path to do the right things. And for housing, employment and social finance for wellness for the world. Our people can be accomplished with morality and well neness a true gain. World mission on the wellbeing, security and deliverance for people. Its establishment of virtue and pathway of mercy and love shall achieve liberation. Thank you. Clerk thank you. Next speaker, please. Magic altman. The people of the state do not yield their sovereignty to the agencies which serve them. The people do not give their Public Servants the right to decide what is good for the people to know and what is not good for them to know. The people insist on remaining informed so that they may retain control over the instruments theyve created. Do you know what law im quoting . You can look up from your screens if you do. During the palace intrigue, you withheld information from the public because you thought you knew what was not good for us to know. You gave the names of agnes and kelly to the press, but wouldnt want to release the spoiler, would you . You can really keep a secret. At least six of you knew the plan. The scene when you asked for nominations, precious. Well done. 5 was distracted by the separation of power and was distracted. What could go wrong . A white male venture capitalist and about to preside over the budget. Let me think. You do your best to take care of us in the road of benevolent dictators. Slap conway in the face with breed and cohen. Its only 5 months. He is a patriarch that seems to look like a good guy to cover racist, classless and p. R. Policies and im sure that he will have photoops throwing bones to the poor and the homeless. That was the brown act i quoted earlier and we never gave our sovereignty away. You hijacked it. Since the vote was in violation of the brown act in the name of the people clerk thank you. Next speaker, please. Im peter warfield, Library Users association. Privacy threatening our fid is unfortunately on the way to being approved for funding at San Francisco Public Library at the Commission Meeting this thursday, day after tomorrow. The Library Commission may approve its budget and buried within it is this technology, which is toxic to patron privacy. We ask you and the public to oppose this step and ask this body to reject funding for that project when you get it later this year, as you did about 12 years ago. Last week i mentioned a letter sent by the aclu that they sent to luis herrera, our city librarian leaving at the a end of next month. Dear mr. Herrera, the Electronic Frontier foundation and aclu of Northern California jointly submit this letter. They go on to talk about having opposed this in the past and we oppose the use because of the significant privacy and free speech concerns. They talk about the previous opposition and Extensive Research findings about privacy risk and go on to say, were unaware of any significant chances that would am e ameliorate these concerns. So were extremely surprised that the library is revisiting this issue, particularly in the current political climate. Its signed lee chen. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please . Good after innooafternoon. Im john fitch. This is a call for the City Attorney to resign. Im calling on the state attorney general to open an investigation to see if possible illegalities have taken place collusion, conspiring, of the broken link chain that took place. City attorney Dennis Herrera made some remarks to the acting mayors position. It led us to believe that the chain link would not be broken. It turned out to be a con game and ms. Breed was relegated. City attorney Dennis Herrera came as a City Attorney and now a City Attorney. He has been trying to become mayor of San Francisco and has seized opportunity through an interim mayor that lacks qualifications and skills. In turn, herrera is the puppet master. These are facts, not assumptions. And now a dream. This sudden broken link in this chain has similarities to accusatiac allegations of what President Trump is facing today. The charter amendmant is here for the City Government to protect us. There should not be a different set of rules for people of color. If youre white, youre right. Is your brown, stick around. If youre black, stay back. Theres more to this conversation in the weeks to come. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please . Madame president and supervisors, thank you for your attention. I come to you as a proud son of a veteran from midway and veteran that helped liberate a concentration camp. Union square was donated by the first mayor of the city, who was a mexican war veteran and a general at the union for the battle of gettysburg. I would point out one of the commanding generals in world war i helped to formulate the plaza across the street from us, war memorial opera house. Veterans played quite a role within this community for the positive benefits. Thus, i would ask consideration that the Embarcadero Plaza be named for the only member of this board who ever received the congressional medal of honor, phillip kats. He was on the board in the 1920s or 30s. I believe its something that is far overdue to this fine, gallant gentleman. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please . Good afternoon, supervisors. I work for the committee organizing department. I work with residents in tenderloin south of market on tenant rights and quality of life issues. Thank you, supervisor kim, for in producing the supplemental budget 2. 5 million. Im here to advocate for the community that i work in in tenderloin to i would not say most of the money, but fairly good enough money for tenderloin for projects. Thanks. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. I am representing the tenderloin neighborhood. Im fernando pajals. I, too, want to voice support for the proposition to bring forth allocated cleaning funds citywide. While the data supervisor kim shared is compelling, i want to share other data that may not be cataloged with the city. Our clean team pick up 30,000 pounds of garbage in the 30 blocks that we serve in the tenderloin and 2,500 needles on average that will not be found in that data. Supervisor kim alluded to the Pit Stop Program that was inspired by the poetry of students in the tenderloin. So as that proposition comes before you, i hope you all move it forward, thinking about all our neighborhoods, but especially those that really need it a little more than the others. Thank you for your time. I want to add, too, administered correctly, these programs really do have the power to change lives. We see it every day with our downtown streets teams we see it with hunters point. Its truly life changing, since weve been working with them in may, weve had six people find permanent employment, several others housing, and the Ripple Effect that happens, out there talking to folks on the sidewalk, its powerful. We see it firsthand all the time. I invite you to join my to take a walk in the tenderloin and see it as well. Thank you very much. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Sfgtv. Im casey atturbury and joining my colleagues from the tender loin in welcoming this allocation of surplus to work with enhancement of the streets and to study it. I work with students at u. C. Hastings and the resident of the neighborhood and Community Benefits and Community Organizations like faithful fools and were all very much in favor of the streets being not just in our neighborhood, but in every neighborhood very clean, safe, and learning what we can from it. And so i think a pilot activation, supported by this money would be very well spent. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please . My name is william rivera. Clerk please pull the microphone close. Thank you. Im william rivera. Some gentleman took me over there and theyre not helping me out in the proper way to get housing. I have to go back homeless to the street. I think it was better than being homeless than heartbreak and heart and pain. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Any other members of the public that would like to address the board during general Public Comment, please approach the microphone, please . Columbus made a great journey that went wrong. Some say that the journey is still going wrong today. I tend to believe that. Clerk the microphone will be lowered on your behalf. Im trying to be to do a lot today. Um, television, claritin used it have a commercial with the song track going to be a bright, bright sunshiny day. Borrowing that same idea, overhead, please, a cd, Simon Garfunkle had a song called 59th street bridge song, feeling groovy. This is a professionally rolled joint that i will put on top of it. Its sativa. It makes you feel that way. I will replace that with. And because in 1972, i had a puff with tommy callan at a Boston University Jefferson Airplane concert. We fell asleep and they were singing revolution. It helps you relax. Its healthy. I will replace that if i can find yep, there we go. A third. Victory at sea. I like it. What can i say . The music is wonderful. Sometimes its hokie, but the photographs are wonderful. Convoys supplying allies around the world. This is a professionally wrapped cigarette. Its a torpedo. It sinks your convoy. The jeremiah obrien, every time you smoke that, you sink one of the ships in your life. Marijuana needs to come out of the ill cloud its been placed under. World war ii, we were successful. Back off the overhead. We were successful with the great moment in the united states. Here is a book of the devils chess board. This kind of says what happened after we won that great war. How we clerk thank you for your comment. Can i get another 2 minutes . Clerk next week. Thank you. The books are heavy. Clerk madame president . Supervisor breed any other members that want to give Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Madame clerk, lets go to the items without reference to committee. [please stand by] all right, madam clerk, please read the in memoriam. Todays meeting will be adjourned in memory of the following individuals. On behalf of supervisor sheehy and president breed for the late mr. John Alexander Lambie and on behalf of supervisor sheehy for the late Dennis Robert perron. Colleagues, this brings us to the end of our agenda. Madam clerk, is there any further business before us today . Clerk that concludes our business today. President breed thank you, everyone. We are adjourne good evening everyone. I would like to call this meeting to order. Anthony . Good evening. This is the meeting of the San Francisco commission on the

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