Alerus Financial Corporation announced today that Alan "Al" Villalon has been named Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President of the Company. Mr. Villalon replaces Katie. | January 28, 2022
Lancaster County leaders say they are intent on replacing the vendor they hired last year to print and send thousands of mail-in ballots to voters a move prompted by several errors the printer made that wound up requiring a time-consuming hand count of 12,000 primary election ballots that began Friday and stretched into Monday.
County Commissioner Ray DâAgostino said the county will reopen the mail balloting contract for bid in the next few weeks, and the county is working with its solicitor on how it can hold the current vendor accountable for its errors.Â
But why was the county paying an out-of-state company to print thousands of ballots? And what background did that company have in the complex business of producing mail-in voting materials?