Les membres du gouvernement ont pris note de la promulgation du National Identity Card Regulations 2024, National Identity Card (Card Usage) Regulations 2024, Insurance (Industry Compensation Fund) (Amendment) Regulations 2024, de la reconstitution du Board of Trustees du Media Trust entre autres. 1. Cabinet has agreed to the promulgation of the National Identity Card Regulations
Le ministère de la Pêche va organiser plusieurs activités dont une séance de prière inter-religieux dans la Journée Mondiale de la Pêche. Cabinet has taken note of the activities which would be organised in the context of World Fisheries Day 2023, celebrated annually on 21 November, with the aim of highlighting the critical importance of
Les membres responsables des différents ministères du gouvernement ont pris note que le Mauritius Commercial Bank Foundation (Amendment) Bill sera présenté au Parlement, de la récente visite du Premier Ministre à Rodrigues, de l'organisation du l'e-MIG 2023, des activités dans le cadre de la World Fisheries Day 2023, des festivités dans le cadre du National
Following articles published in the newspapers stating that the activities of fishermen operating in the region of Pointe aux Sables have been affected following the grounding of three fishing vessels, the MPA wishes to apprise
Marine Gasoil removed from FV Maan Yu Feng No. 168 as at 7 March is 23,570 litres. 2. No oil spill has been observed from Man Yu Feng No168. PolyGreen will maintain about 300 m of