A new view over its Nuclear Weapons program he would rights watch is urging World Leaders to raise me in my treatment of. Two asian summits being mostly their own sense who cheers arrives in the vietnamese city of dunning for this weeks at a public gathering. Those are the headlines for you and i was here right after the stream next. News has never been more available but the message is a simplistic and misinformation is rife the listening post provides a critical counterpoint challenging Mainstream Media narrative at this time on aljazeera. And join the stream we are live on aljazeera and imo they could be louder for this special episode of the show were also on a three sixty video in collaboration with contrast to be our how does your as immersive media studio streaming on facebook you can take a peek right there on the aljazeera Facebook Page and were sharing it on the stream it has been a one year since u. S. President donald trump won the election and one of the most hotly contest
Path. All responsible Nations Must Join together to stop arming and financing and even trading with. The murderous north korean regime of those are your headlines the news continues on aljazeera after this stream stay with us. Its u. S. President donald trump visit to asia the goal is to forge relations and strengthen the resolve to confront the threat from north korea but what impact could this visit really have well be live across asia to bring you the very latest coverage here on aljazeera. Ok and join the stream we are live on aljazeera and im ali could be allowed for this special episode of the show were also on a three sixty video in collaboration with contrasts to be our how does your as immersive media studio streaming on facebook you can take a peek right there on the aljazeera Facebook Page and were sharing it on the stream it has been a one year since u. S. President donald trump won the election and one of the most hotly contested i will visit races in the countrys history
Tonight. This is real money. [ music ] this is real money. You are the most important part of the show. Join our live conversation for the next half hour on twitter at ali velshi or on facebook. Com slash ali velshi. Im in washington, d. C. Where the world bank has its headquarters. For those of you who dont know, the World Bank Provides technical assistance. Weve brought real people on the show to he willlous straight issues in our lives. But its true that many of the worlds problems get solved by socalled big people. Im going to introduce you to some of the giants dr. Jim yong kim. But before i do that lets go to Something Else that is happening in washington. Executives got grilled on capitol hill over their proposed mega merger. Lawmakers demanded assurances that the mega size comcast would not drive up prices. At stake is what is good for big business good for consumers . In february comcast announced its intention to gobble up time warner cable, which holds the number two spot. T
[ music ] this is real money. You are the most important part of the show. Join our live conversation for the next half hour on twitter at ali velshi or on facebook. Com slash ali velshi. Im in washington, d. C. Where the world bank has its headquarters. For those of you who dont know, the World Bank Provides technical assistance. Weve brought real people on the show to he willlous straight issues in our lives. But its true that many of the worlds problems get solved by socalled big people. Im going to introduce you to some of the giants dr. Jim yong kim. But before i do that lets go to Something Else that is happening in washington. Executives got grilled on capitol hill over their proposed mega merger. Lawmakers demanded assurances that the mega size comcast would not drive up prices. At stake is what is good for big business good for consumers . In february comcast announced its intention to gobble up time warner cable, which holds the number two spot. The deal is valued at 45 billi
After the bomb went off, you could look up at buildings above where sugar habit is an Marathon Sports and the windows were blown out up to three stories. At this site, michelle was there. This was where Krystle Campbell was there as well. She was one of the fatal victims in this attack. This is actually a shot of emts working on the body of Krystle Campbell. This picture here was taken by a woman who we interviewed for the book who was at the Mandarin Oriental. The Mandarin Oriental has a big, very swank event of the day with a lot of politicians, celebrities, business men and women. And when the bombs went off, the windows at the Mandarin Oriental literally shook. They waved in the wind like the. The woman who took this picture, megan johnson, a writer from People Magazine and some other outlets, she was a former colleague of mine at the herald, and she is the one who took this picture right after that. This is a double tragedy if there is ever such one. For the family of Krystle Camp