Owner Khalil Ameer says with pride that his Lebanese fare isn’t Americanized factory food. He has labored to stay true to the Lebanese table, offering fresh bread, serving no pork or liquor, and preparing food that’s not overwhelmed by spices and herbs. And the dishes are made to order. Instead of simply ordering a vegetarian platter, diners may choose among vegetarian grape leaves, tomato kibbee, green bean stew, eggplant stew, a “veggie galaba” of rice, mushrooms, carrots, green peppers — and, if you must have it, they’ll add more spice.
Dar Al Jadeed Publishing House, the Lebanese publisher, has been awarded the 2021 IPA Prix Voltaire by the International Publishers Association’s Freedom to Publish Committee. Its cofounder, a prominent critic of Hezbollah, was murdered in February.