Amidst the grim pandemic-induced backdrop, a ray of positivity in the form of Akshaya Tritiya is here. This year, like last year, the festival will be celebrated differently as the country stays indoors and fights a pandemic.
May 13, 2021, 15:28 IST
Considering the pandemic situation this year, there may not be any increase in gold sales on Akshaya Tritiya which will be observed throughout the country on Friday. One of the reasons for the gold sales decline could be the just-started Covid-triggered lockdown in Telangana.
In this pandemic crisis, people prefer to hold on to cash to meet any medical emergency.
Jewellery outlets have already announced many exciting offers to attract customers as people believe it s auspicious to buy gold on Akshaya Tritya. Given the current situation of virus numbers and lockdown across the country, the chances of people going in for gold appears bleak with many jewellers expecting sales to be below normal.
One can buy digital gond through the gold bond scheme, which comes with a government guarantee and an interest income. On Wednesday, May 12, the Ministry of Finance announced that the government, in consultation with the Reserve Bank of India, has decided to issue the Sovereign Gold Bonds Scheme 2021-22.
According to the Finance Ministry, the gold bond scheme 2021 will be issued in six tranches. The subscription for the first tranche of Sovereign Gold Bonds Scheme 2021-22 will open on May 17 and will end on May 21, remaining open for a period of five days.
How To Invest In Sovereign Gold Bonds
PM Kisan 8th Installment Update: प्रधानमंत्री किसान सम्मान निधि योजना (PM Kisan Samman Nidhi scheme) की आठवीं किस्त का किसान बेसब्री से इंतजार कर रहे थे. अब उनके लिए खुशखबरी है. सरकार जल्द ही किसानों के खाते में आठवीं किस्त के 2000 रुपये ट्रांसफर करने वाली है.
Akshaya Tritiya 2021- Things to Donate on Akha Teej Apr 25, 2021, 16:09 IST
Akshaya Tritiya is celebrated on the third day in the month of Vaishakha (Vaisakha Shukla Paksha Tritiya) every year. In the year 2021, it falls on Friday, 14th of May.
Devotees believe that this day brings wealth and good fortune. Marriages on Akshaya Tritiya is said to be long-lasting and fruitful
Top things to donate this Akshaya Tritiya
Offerings to Forefathers:
Akshaya Tritiya is the best day to lend any kind of offerings to our forefathers. This is a good day to seek blessings and wishes from forefathers. After Puja, you may prepare food and offer it to your forefathers.