LOS ANGELES For months, as the will-they, won t-they acquisition drama between Elon Musk and Twitter dragged on, Helen-Sage Lee held firm in her belief that the social media company was a workplace worth supporting.
Outgoing employees say the company has been inordinately slow to provide information about how the payout process will work, and confusion reigns about the ultimate package the company will give people.
take the use of police robots to a hold new level, allowing them to use lethal force. ahead of a final vote tomorrow by san francisco city leaders, the debate is spilling over onto the steps of san francisco city hall. that s where we find nbc bay area s ginger conejero saab breaking down both sides of the debate. reporter: you can see demonstrators cleared out behind me. the steps of city hall are clear now. just within the hour that happened, but before that the protests and the rallies for tomorrow s final vote took place. now, it comes after hours of back and forth, last week the board of supervisors hearing, the 8-3 vote approved san francisco police officers to use robots for lethal force, happened last week, but sometime afterwards the board says now it could and still should reverse its decision. now, those supervisors on the board include dean preston, hillary ronen, and they joined protesters making their voices heard against the proposal. they say sfpd did not