New London ― The Republican Town Committee will back a pared-down list of City Council and Board of Education candidates for the November general election as part of an effort to promote “quality over.
New London ― As the final unofficial poll numbers came into the Little Galapagos Restaurant & Bar on Broad Street Tuesday night, City Council member James Burke’s voice boomed across the bar.
New London Democratic voters on Tuesday will decide which seven of their party’s nine City Council candidates will be on the ballot for the November general election.
Two petitioning Democratic coun.
New London ― Besides the promise of new recreational offerings, the community center construction project will offer a rare chance to connect with young residents even before the facility’s doors open.
New London ―Two Democratic candidates for City Council have garnered enough petition signatures to force a September primary, city voting officials confirmed on Tuesday.
Mirna Martinez and Shineika Fa.