New London ― As the final unofficial poll numbers came into the Little Galapagos Restaurant & Bar on Broad Street Tuesday night, City Council member James Burke’s voice boomed across the bar.
New London ―Two Democratic candidates for City Council have garnered enough petition signatures to force a September primary, city voting officials confirmed on Tuesday.
Mirna Martinez and Shineika Fa.
New London – Municipal candidate slates for the November election are being finalized this week by Democratic, Republican and Green Party town committees expected to field nominees for mayoral, City C.
Southeastern Connecticut mirrored statewide trends this election in both increased vote share for Gov. Ned Lamont compared to 2018 and in decreased turnout compared to the last midterm, according to .
State Rep. Anthony Nolan, D-New London, recently accepted the Democratic nomination for another term serving the 39th District. A nominating convention was