Apart from the Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Mahasabha national spokesperson Sanjay Jaat, the police have arrested Saurabh Sharma, Brijesh Bhadauria, Jitender Kumar and three others.
Kolkata, April 11: With the Election Commission of India (ECI) deciding to remove the Communist Party of India (CPI) from the list of national parties, Congress remains the only party to retain that status among the 14 political parties that were granted national party status in India for the first time in 1952.
With the Election Commission of India (ECI) deciding to remove the Communist Party of India (CPI) from the list of national parties, Congress remains the only party to retain that status among the 14 political parties that were granted national .
The four national parties by 1953 were the Congress, the Praja Socialist Party (formed following the merger of the Socialist Party and the Kisan Mazdoor Party), the CPI, and the Jana Sangh.