The Delhi High Court on Thursday asked low-cost airline SpiceJet and its Chairman and Managing Director (CMD) to pay Rs 100 crore to Kal Airways and its promoter Kalanithi Maran by September 10, failing which the court may consider the attachement of their properties.
The Delhi High Court on Wednesday allowed Kal Airway's and its promoter Kalanithi Maran's application seeking 50 per cent of the daily revenue collection of low-cost airline SpiceJet Ltd to be paid to them on a weekly basis.While Justice Yogesh .
The Delhi High Court on Wednesday allowed Kal Airway's and its promoter Kalanithi Maran's application seeking 50 per cent of the daily revenue collection of low-cost airline SpiceJet Ltd to be paid to them on a weekly basis.
The Delhi High Court on Monday upheld an arbitral award passed by the tribunal comprising three retired Supreme Court judges in the matter of low-cost airline SpiceJet and Kal Airway's promoter Kalanithi Maran, favouring the latter.
The legal dispute dates back to January 2015, when Ajay Singh, the present owner of SpiceJet, bought back the airline from Kalanithi Maran after it was grounded for months