“Winning at Subrail Park has always been my dream, playing the Babasiga Lions at Subrail Park was never going to be easy as they had several district reps like Ashnil Raju, Ajesh Narayan and Edwin Sahayam,” Lingam said..
Agni Deo Singh retains General Secretary position after FTU National Elections
Agni Deo Singh retains General Secretary position after FTU National Elections
Agni Deo Singh retains General Secretary position
Agni Deo Singh has retained the position of General Secretary after the Fiji Teachers Union National Elections that ended yesterday.
Singh is one of the union’s longest-serving members.
The other office bearers are Muniappa Goundar who has been elected as the President.
Nukul Barman, Pranesh Sharma and Ajeshni Nand are the new Vice Presidents.
Rajnesh Lingam has been elected as the Assistant General Secretary, Sashi Shandil as the General Treasurer and Brij Bhan Sing as the Publicity Officer.