The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in its charge-sheet lodged in the Rs34,615 crore DHFL loan fraud case has said that the accused created 87 shell companies and 2,60,000 fake borrowers to launder money.
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in its charge sheet lodged in the Rs 34,615 crore DHFL loan fraud case has said that the accused created 87 shell companies and 2,60,000 fake borrowers to launder money. The charge sheet was filed in .
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in its charge sheet lodged in the Rs 34,615 crore DHFL loan fraud case has said that the accused created 87 shell companies and 2,60,000 fake borrowers to launder money. The charge sheet was filed in the second week of October.
The agency had registered a case in June in the DHFL bank fraud matter for alleged defrauding of a consortium of 17 banks to the tune of Rs 34,000 crore.