Replace at a later date. A few things about that. Republicans will, one, likely need 60 votes to wholesale repeal the aca. Thats ten more votes than the 50 votes they havent been able to get for their proposed bill. Two, just repealing the aca would leave 33 million million more people uninsured than under the current law. Thats even worse than the Senate Version of trumpcare, which would leave 22 million more uninsured. Three, re pealing obamacare without having a replacement ready would likely further destabilize the Insurance Markets and lead to even more insurers pulling out of the exchanges. And four, who actually believes republicans would ever get around to the replace part . Joining me now republican strategist christopher metzler, Jonathan Cone of the huffington post, and tommy binion, director of congressional relations for the heritage foundation. Im going to start with you, tommy, and dispense with this idea of just repealing altogether obamacare because that would send the
President putin denied such involvement. As i think he has in the past. The two leaders agree, though, this is a substantial to move the relationship forward. Eric, we know the relationship is very important. Its been both chilly and more friendly at various times. What do you think its been today . Eric this is amazing. A 40 minute meeting, scheduled for 40 minutes, the world takes notice. Putin addresses trump as the excellency, the world takes notice. They negotiate a partial ceasefire in syria. They negotiate highly handled north korea, they will do more bilateral meetings with xi and south korean leaders. They talk about russian meddling. So all this is being accomplished inside that building. Meanwhile, outside protesters, juxtapose that for a minute. Protesters are throwing flaming bottles and rocks at police and are getting water cannons. Things are progressing. This is going to be very positive for america. I think today was. Eboni kat, we talked about what to expect. The supe
Today we celebrate our independent days. Good morning and welcome to a. M. Joy. Today, after spending a couple of hours with us, of course, many of you will be beginning your preparations to celebrate our Independence Day. For many of thaw means the usual, clean off the grill, stake out a spot to watch the fireworks and wrap yourself in the good old red, white and blue, but this fourth of july demands of us something beyond the routine because this Independence Day our president is not a fictional handsome dashing alien fighting leader with a rousing message of unity and resist an. Our president is donald trump. Who instead has this message about aliens and Independence Day. This legislation presents a simple choice. Either vote to save and protect american lives or vote to shield and comfort criminal aliens who threaten innocent lives, and theyve been shielded too long. As we head toward the fourth of july, we remember now more than ever to cherish our freedom. Not quite the same. So