Airtel 5G Plus launched in 8 cities. Last week, at India Mobile Congress (IMC) in Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, Airtel announced to rollout 5G services in more cities in the months to come.
Airtel 5G services have been launched in Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Siliguri, Nagpur and Varanasi, where customers will be able to enjoy the services in a phased manner.
The newly launched Airtel 5G Plus service will allow the users to tap into 5G internet service without needing any SIM change, , airtel 5g, Airtel 5G Plus, 5G internet
Bharti Airtel has launched the Airtel 5G plus services in 8 cities across the country following the launch of 5G services in India by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the India Mobile Congress 2022. The customers in the cities that can use Airtel 5G Plus include Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Siliguri, Nagapur and Varanasi. The company aims to spread the 5G