reached into their rather deep pockets and have made big investments, and they re entitled to ride their rockets if they want to. the important thing is what this does for the space economy. does it open up space in a meaningful way? does it make it accessible in a more frequent and cheaper way, and what does that lead to? does that make it possible for us to put sensors in space more easily, to look at the problem of climate change for example? does it allow us to look at asteroids as a source of minerals? there s any number of things that you and i probably couldn t have imagined in 1903 when the wright brothers did it or 1927 when lindbergh flew the atlantic that would lead us to the airbus a-380. but it happened, and so this is one of those steps. i think a lot of people you know, there s kind of a sense of these rich guys being tone deaf. but i say it s an important milestone. listen, i wasn t here for the 03, but the 27 one, i was.
space. and gain some of that perspective, in terms of just note letting you know, not getting irritated so easily and so forth. but i am curious, also, what your thoughts are, myles, on just commercial travel, right? what your thoughts are on companies, like virgin galactic, blue origin, and spacex, wanting to bring space exploration to reach the masses. what do you think? yeah. leroy hit on this idea. the fact that some billionaires and, eventually, millionaires can go. lot of people might say, so what? you know, we ve got a lot of other issues to worry about here on earth but this is part of building a full ecosystem. a full economy that involves space. and that can lead to all kinds of things that we couldn t possibly imagine. imagine, in 1927, if you and i were talking after charles lindbergh flew the atlantic. and you said to me, myles, we are going to have an airbus a-380 someday, i d look at you like you were from another
interior sections of new england. we could feel like 45 below. look at saturday morning lows for new york city. 6 degrees. 4 degrees below zero for buffalo. international falls, below zero. 28 degrees there. and then take a look at sunday morning low temperatures, 1, perhaps zero degrees for new york city. 3 below for buffalo. as we move to the end of next week, looks like the jet stream will lift farther to the north. we re calling it a january thaw. happy new year! shepard: happy new year. scott williams from fox in philly. the storm forced an airbus a-380, the largest passenger jet in the world to land in a tiny airport in new york. not j.f.k. or la guardia. lillian has details what is the name of this place? stuart airport. they tweeted out this picture of this huge jet. it was operated by singapore
probably using dna among other pieces of evidence. on the terrorism front, we also woke up to a photograph that spoke to the downing of the russian commercial jet that looking back was the first event in a string of events that gets us to today. tom costello covers aviation. he is with us from washington. and, tom, what a busy night on your beat. before we learned of the shootout in paris, we had two british air commercial airliners leaving the united states, one from dulles, one from l.a.x. both had to land at alternative airports because of threats. one of them the largest passenger plane there is, the airbus a-380. and then this morning we wake up. explain this still picture. where it came from and what it purports to show. everybody on board the two air france flight that is landed
ntsb s preliminary report indicates the regional jet had to wait for another plane to depart before being able to taxi to its gate. the jet s tail was hanging over the taxiway. terribly, the air france airbus a 380 is one of the largest commercial airliners in service today. with a total wing span of 261 feet. while passengers on the 300 ton airbus report feeling only a slight rumble air france thinks he may have hit somebody. the 56 people on the smaller feel a violent jolt. luckily, no one is injured. i think the take-away from this show is keep your seat belt on. i m contessa brewer. that s all for this edition of caught on camera.