With winter suddenly upon us, stay dry and turn up the heat on your muscles and metabolism at home with this bodyweight burner from MH Elite Chief Positivity Officer, Faisal Abdalla. You're going to light up all your favourite muscles and smoke your core. Let's begin.
Custom Fitness and UPROAR Guam s Fitness Competition is scheduled for August 14 and 15th. The event is open to competitors ages 16 and over. Each team registered for the event must have at least 1 fem
this is the modified version we re doing later for walk for warriors. you were air squats, box jumps, pushups. this is mainly a body weight exercise circuit. it will be full body. you re going to get a high heart rate. because it s simple movement, your intensity will be up. i m still catching my breath from a warm-up earlier and i m going to jump in to do kettle bells in a minute. what i would like to discuss also is this is a great partnership right now. if you could talk about why it s important for veterans to work out, what it does to combat stress and also a great partner i know is band-aid. yes. this is a real good day for us. up in one, we re taking off memorial day weekend, 200 locations across the country are partaking in this. also we re here in new york city to announce our partnership with the band-aid brand. we re taking one american flag from san francisco to washington, d.c. and walter reed