Air India has been fined Rs 10 lakh by the aviation regulator DGCA for not reporting an incident last month when a man allegedly peed on a blanket on the vacant seat of a woman in a Paris-Delhi flight.
Two incidents had occurred in the Air India flight. While one passenger who was caught smoking in the lavatory, was drunk and not adhering to the crew instructions; another passenger allegedly relieved himself on a vacant seat.
"We respect the authority and mandate of the internal inquiry committee, but we disagree with its findings and are already in the process of challenging this decision in accordance with the Directorate General of Civil Aviation s (DGCA) civil aviation requirements for unruly passengers," Mishra s lawyers had said. Air India Pee-Gate: Delhi Court Extends Shankar Mishra’s Judicial Custody by 14 Days in Urinating Incident.
The man is accused of peeing on a woman on an Air India flight said on Friday the four-month flying ban on him is based on an incorrect understanding of the layout of the aircraft.