undetected. ainsley: balloon incidents were logged under the trump administration butner reported to the chair of the joint chiefs. never reported to the defense secretary or president trump because they were, quote: relatively minor territorial incursions. minor. pete: minor. brian: they have a huge problem if it s not going up the chain of command to the president. at the very least you would think the chief of staff would get an alert. i want to tell you there has been three balloons detected we don t want to tell the with the, why? was he golfing? ainsley: president trump said if that had happened i would have shot it down. brian: the thing is i have a problem with everything about it. what diewmg it was undetected and then you tell me it was detected. what do you mean you didn t tell the president and it happened three times? first three times under the trump administration. such pushback they go well, it happened, we walked it back. it happened, we just didn t tell him
he sounds more bliewzy. ainsley: performing with stevie wonder. i don t think he should be labeled country. i think he is a more blues. pete: there is a lot of creditor reason. brian: i listened to his book on tape. pete: i woke up to one text from my wife to prepare for the show and she said the grammys 50th anniversary of hip hop was off the charts awesome. brian: off the charts awesome. pete: apparently they stuck to music. i didn t even know the grammys was on but apparently it was very good. ainsley: your wife was watching. you have were asleep? pete: absolutely. brian: they actually entertain. the problem with actors, fundamentally not entertaining. ainsley: beyonce has more grammys than anyone else. brian: she got stuck in traffic like all of us.
pompeo says we should have shot it down a handful of days earlier and china probably got all the collection that they needed in those first few days. pete: that graphic right there is over all of our nuclear icbm sites, b 2 bomber, two big portions of the nuclear triad. the story here this morning is, they kick into gear that somehow blame or compare to trump. when part of that report we all reacted to it. it happened three times under trump. but it was undetected. and now it s been detected? and so. brian: years later. ainsley: you didn t feel like you should tell the president. pete: or you didn t know because you were running around looking at does united states and didn t look at the skies and now looked back at the tape there were three of them. now that it happened under trump it is okay under biden because we didn t know it happened under trump. unnamed senior biden official it happened to them but it was
congratulations you now way 600 pounds you lost 200 pounds. that s the case they re making. ainsley: such a good example. brian: number one issue is inflation. if you feel as though you made the strongest economy ever made all these time of remarks. it s not resonating. the numbers are not transferring to down to the american people when you had inflation 9% and cut it down to 6%. you should not be celebrating. ainsley: according to this article the average inflation rated trump 2%. during the summer of 2022 under biden it rose to 9%. highest in 40 years. pete: i would like to see him attempt to point to number 5 of stephen moore s article. ainsley: talks about immigration. pete: going to get up there and talk about secure the border. brian: he is not going to talk about the border. ainsley: the 56th grammy awards hosted by trevor noah. brian: making history during the los angeles ceremony.
grow up. firefighter and nba player. ainsley: where do you get this work ethic? work ethic? ainsley: where do you get this drive to make money at such a young age? do your parents teach you that. my papa. your grandfather? and how has he been an influence in your life? why do you love him? um, he [inaudible] i guess. ainsley: thank you so much for coming on with us. courtney, i love your sweatshirt. thank you. ainsley: thank you. god bless you i wish you both the best what s the name of your business. sweet anna s bakery. ainsley: what s your website. just facebook and instagram. ainsley: thank you for come on. party foul, i have a vacation rental act clamping counsel on fun. effort to prevent large groups from gathering after the its property.