San Salvador, Jul 19 (EFE).- Around 200 family members of some of the tens of thousands of people taken into custody under a state of emergency now in its fourth month vowed here Tuesday to hold the Salvadoran government responsible for the fates of their loved ones. The protesters, displaying photos of their detained relatives, …
The enormous energy demands of Bitcoin mining are prompting some U.S. municipalities to impose moratoriums or outright bans on cryptocurrency facilities. Bitcoin mining activity, critics warn, is leading to electricity price hikes and a revival of dirtier sources of power.
El Salvador's congress has approved emergency powers that suspend constitutional freedoms and ease arrest rules for 30 days to battle a record wave of gang-related killings that forced [.]
SAN SALVADOR - El Salvadoran lawmakers on Sunday declared a state of emergency at President Nayib Bukele's request, expanding police powers and curtailing civil liberties as the country faces soaring gang-related bloodshed that has left dozens dead in just two days.