Popular comedian Sunil Pal recently revealed an interesting story behind his popular comic character Ratan Noora during the Raju Srivastav special episode of 'The Kapil Sharma Show'.Ratan Noora is the character which made him a winner in the .
Sunil Pal recently revealed an interesting story behind his popular comic character Ratan Noora during the Raju Srivastav special episode of 'The Kapil Sharma Show'.
Raju Srivastava s prayer meet was a sombre affair. Kapil Sharma, Bharti Singh, Ahsaan Qureshi, Sunil Pal, Shailesh Lodha and many others paid their last respects
Raju Srivastava s wife Shikha Srivastava was inconsolable during his prayer meet as she remembered her late husband. Famous as Gajodhar Bhaiya , Raju Srivastava passed away on September 21 at AIIMS, New Delhi.