Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. The accused in the Gorakhnath temple attack case, Murtaza, will be sent to Anti-Terror Squad (ATS) headquarter in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh s for further inquiry on Wednesday. He will be moved to lucknow after a medical test. India News | Accused of Gorakhnath Temple Attack to Be Moved to Lucknow; His Laptop, Mobile Sent to Forensics.
The accused in the Gorakhnath temple attack case, Murtaza, will be sent to Anti-Terror Squad (ATS) headquarter in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh's for further inquiry on Wednesday. He will be moved to lucknow after a medical test.
Uttar Pradesh Anti-Terror Squad (ATS) on Wednesday reached its headquarters with the accused of the Gorakhnath temple attack case, Murtaza, for further inquiry.
Gorakhnath temple attack part of terror plot? Here’s what UP Police said - Police personnel was attacked in the Gorakhnath Temple in Uttar Pradesh, leading to the police calling it a serious conspiracy.