A Delhi resident s cryptocurrency worth Rs 30 lakh (current value Rs 4.5 crore) was fraudulently transferred to three different foreign accounts of which one belonged to Al-QassamBrigates, a military wing of the Palestinian organisation, .
Delhi Police on Monday said it has solved a case of cryptocurrency theft by busting a cyber fraud module operated by Al-Qassam Brigates, the military wing of Ha
Delhi Police on Monday said it has solved a case of cryptocurrency theft by busting a cyber fraud module operated by Al-Qassam Brigates, the military wing of Hamas, which operated by hacking into crypto-wallets of people and transferring the stolen virtual currency into the digital wallets linked to the terrorist organization.
Delhi Police on Monday said it has solved a case of cryptocurrency theft by busting a cyber fraud module operated by Al-Qassam Brigates, the military wing of Ha