Text. Thank you commissioner Vice President cleaveland. laughter . So this is another social media question the preservation and education component, however, you are traveling by foot or car be respect and aware of each other so again what social media was employed in getting out that message im sure youre going on facebook and out on the website putting this message out there ill have to ask the pio did the pio do a presentation or introduced themselves. You mean jonathan yes introduced himself. Maybe it is a good idea to have him delineate on what he is doing hes on the move this is only in february. Lounge do you think that will forefront a social media policy that maybe the best time to come before us. You dont want i dont want to but them on a timeline so it wasnt an easy thing to put together other departments have a hard time drafting them across the country. Perhaps he can come sooner than later and the social media policy will be part of the strategic plan. Im assuming so in
Regular hearing for thursday, september 10, disruptions of any kind. Please silence any devices that may sound off during the proceedings. And when speaking before the commission, if you care to, do state your name for the record. Id like to call roll at this time. Commissioner president fong commissioner wu commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner moore and commissioner richards commissioners, that places you under your agenda is items proposed for continuance items 1 ab for the case bryant street large project conditional use authorization are proposed for indefinite continuance and item 2 c on summertime set skwufgs conditional use authorization is also proposed for indefinite continuance i have not other items proposed for continuance and there are no speaker cards any Public Comments for the 3 items proposed for continuance not seeing any Public Comment is closed. Commissioner richards move to continue items one ab, 2. Second. Thank you, commissi
Do so we know that San Francisco has added and will continue to add tens of thousands of jobs and housing over the next decade and we needed to be able to fund the transportation infrastructure to meet the demand by this growth our city impact fees was and is innovative funding mechanism to pay for transit with nonresidential developers contributing to the muni system for years we think that make sense to have market rate Housing Developers pay their fair share this Transportation Sustainability fee brings also in regional operates and caltrain where ridership is sorry region operators like bart and caltrans our county wide Transportation Plan as well as the Mayors Task Force identified the need for billions of of investment in Maintenance Management and expansion of our Transportation System the t s f is one piece of a larger piece but critical building on prop a and prop a and helping seek the voter approvals next year and with the declining state and federal funding we need to inves
Are wondering if a representative is here to clarify because excellent question im glad you raised it but unfortunately, no representative from the rent board i dont know why . Please. Next speaker. Could i San Francisco rents is high if to demands more price not due to Property Owners fault more Property Owner are hard working people this safe we have please then why we want to share our homes to a stranger to move in now we rent our home and cant get them out ever our own or Family Member please it is fair for all people no time for tenants thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. I strongly oppose is legislation we need to are rent control laws thank you. San Francisco Gray panthers strongly supports the owners to the landowners i ask if there is a few bad apples and cutters laws in place that prevent abuse or so why this epidemic of bad evictions that are going on now landlords have asking why are there so many laws for the tenants it is basic the landlords opener give them life
This meeting will now come to order this is the regular meeting the Land Use Commission im chair and to my right is supervisor wiener the vice chair and to my left supervisor kim and victor young it our clerk and thank you leo and herb from sfgovtv for broadcasting this mr. Clerk, any announcements . Yes. Completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. Items acted upon today will appear on the october 6, 2015, bobs agenda oracles. A call item one. Is the regulation for the freeway operation with the state of california permitting maintenance responsibility for hoig 101 and the director ever public works to accept the agreement. Ladies and gentlemen, so this item number one is supported before i the sfmta i believe we have both mta and dpw staff with us today deanna from dpw and mr. Paul from mta lets see im not sure who will be speaking first mta please come on up thank you for joining us today. Good afternoon, supervisors im deanna im with the Sa