[ gavel ] all right, records will reflect we are back in open session. Is there a motion as to whether or not we should disclose the closed session deliberations . I move that we not disclose our deliberations during closed session. Second. All right. All in favor . Aye. I also will announce in open session that the Commission Approved a settlement of ethics complaint no. 13100730. And the Settlement Agreement is a Public Document and will be posted on the commissions website. Josh, do i have to read the whole thing . No. It also at the closed session, the Commission Approved a Settlement Agreement relating to Ethics Commission complaint 261001021. And that Settlement Agreement is a Public Document and will be posted on the commissions website. Do i hear a motion to adjourn . Is there Public Comment . Yes, thanks. Im sorry. Thank you. Eileen hansen. The two settlements that you announced, how do those relate to these five complaints that you just discussed in closed session . They were
This meeting will now come to order this is the regular meeting the Land Use Commission im chair and to my right is supervisor wiener the vice chair and to my left supervisor kim and victor young it our clerk and thank you leo and herb from sfgovtv for broadcasting this mr. Clerk, any announcements . Yes. Completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. Items acted upon today will appear on the october 6, 2015, bobs agenda oracles. A call item one. Is the regulation for the freeway operation with the state of california permitting maintenance responsibility for hoig 101 and the director ever public works to accept the agreement. Ladies and gentlemen, so this item number one is supported before i the sfmta i believe we have both mta and dpw staff with us today deanna from dpw and mr. Paul from mta lets see im not sure who will be speaking first mta please come on up thank you for joining us today. Good afternoon, supervisors im deanna im with the Sa
Used to be those sister it it want sexy to hire weve seen incorporating people into the community and making them feel responsible so for us to take into consideration a hood to save a hood from the homeless on the street to the on the were in it together. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi im heather im al soma residents for that the last ten years live two blocks from the project sites and the executive director of city crossroads an organization that served youth and families in soma for the last years and personally involved 2, 3, 4 what is going on in the neighborhood youve heard from a lot of folks im just going to go ahead and say it one more time 40 percent Affordable Housing there is no other project that has reached this benchmark and something our Community Needs and deserves the fact that it is think income there were working families that need Affordable Solutions like homeless families in shelters and folks at every income level that needs help that is from that project
Developing over the next 20 years theres a thousand of those units in the pipeline about 50 units a year in addition, we expect this is depending on how the developers build about one hundred 50 to two hundred in the inclusionary pipeline. So are you sure. Yes. I know that mr. Lee and i have discussed this during the last budget season in june or july had dialog is it 2 hundred units a year its inclusionary plus ocii . Or is that no, thats just the inclusionary its about one hundred and 50 to two hundred per year. And how many from ocii. About 50. So its 2 hundred and 50 a year between inclusionary and ocii. Yeah. And how about the other pot from the affordable. You dont know i dont have a pipeline for them in front of me. For the next years inaudible . Okay. So total about 12 or 1250 units a year coming online . Is that and well, thats a thousand plus the 250 yeah. I mean, thats just im sure that seems incredibly low the magnitude of the crisis is so great to be bringing 2 hundred plu
Those are the units under my monitoring and they range up to one hundred and 20 percent ami but the limit is 65 percent ami. Say that slower. Its priced at 55 percent but the income limit is 60 percent so, you know, the household can go 5 percent more than the affordable limit. For this conversation for folks listening at home define ami. Area meaning income evaluated for the metropolitan area so for lets see for when we say its the income limit in a bmr is 60 percent medium income for a Single Person thats 4,000 plus a year. Thats their annual income. If im single and making 40 thousand thats the limit i fall within the 60 percent of ami. Right. And if you have is a two kids or one kid it gets higher its assisted if aura 3 person hold its 52 thousand plus per year. Where can we find this information. On our website and actually in every posting for an affordable unit we post that information as well but the full income limit chart is on our website it has its own sweet little place. S