Rani, 48, was a resident of Vikas Nagar, under the jurisdiction of Malpura police station. She had been regularly protesting at the Siroli-Dhanoli road protest site since October 13.
Agra: Hospital Which Conducted Mock Oxygen Drill Sealed
Paras Hospital s owner Arinjay Jain was heard saying in a clip that the hospital cut off oxygen to patients in its ICU, after which 22 patients turned blue .
Police force deployed at Paras hospital in Agra on June 8, 2021. Photo: PTI
Rights9 hours ago
New Delhi: The Agra district administration has sealed the Shri Paras Hospital, whose owner was heard in a clip saying that the private hospital had cut off oxygen to nearly 100 patients in the ICU as part of a ‘mock drill’ on April 26.
Arinjay Jain, the owner, could be heard in a clip saying that 22 patients ‘turned blue’ during the exercise. He says the hospital was informed that suppliers may not be able to provide medical oxygen, which prompted the ‘drill’ to see which patients needed a high flow of oxygen.