Maharashtra police successfully established a police post at Gardewada in Gadchiroli district, strategically positioned just 5km from the Maoist stronghold of Abujhmarh. This marks the first police presence in this remote region since India gained independence in 1947.
Read about the vibrant celebrations of Makar Sankranti in Nagpur, with colorful kites filling the city skies. Discover the music, sweets, and touch of Ayodhya in the festive air. Learn about the risks posed by the use of illegal nylon manja and the private celebrations held in lawns, gardens, and clubs. Explore the tradition of 'Haldi Kunku' observed by women in the evening.
Nagpur: Union minister Nitin Gadkari said the Ayodhya movement was an awareness campaign, not just for a temple but to ensure justice without appeasem.
Well-known theatre activist Prafull Mategaonkar has created a stunning 15-foot tall replica of the Ram Mandir in Nagpur. Get all the details about this remarkable creation and the upcoming inauguration ceremony.