Nana Patole, the chief of Maharashtra Pradesh Congress Committee, targets the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and compares bringing it down to driving away the British from India. The Congress is preparing for a mega rally in Nagpur where top party leaders will address the gathering and focus on issues like inflation, unemployment, and farmers' problems with the slogan 'Hai Tayyar Hum'.
Bird experts and watchers have expressed serious concern after noticing that the number of winged guests at lakes and water bodies in the region has dwindled. The decline in migratory birds is attributed to climate change and habitat destruction. Birders are worried about the absence of bar-headed geese, a popular species from Mongolia.
Congress MLA Sunil Kedar has been disqualified from the Maharashtra assembly after being convicted in a Rs 150 crore bank scam. He has been sentenced to five years of rigorous imprisonment and fined Rs 12.5 lakh.