Political asylum. On wednesday, wikileaks released a database containing half a million u. S. Diplomatic cables from 1978. 1978 actually set in progress many of the regional elements geopolitical elements, that are playing out today. For example, 1978 was the beginning of the iranian revolution, the push against the shaw was started in 1978 demonstrations similarly in a corolla nicaragua. In 1978, started the popular form as a result of the killing of a newspaper editor. Amy and we will hear the inside story about why the United States forced bolivian president evo morales plane to land in 2013 in austria during the hunt for Edward Snowden. The story may surprise you. Someone was listening to Julian Assanges phone calls. The u. S. Should apologize to evo morales to france. They should apologize for not following the law that we cannot predict when other countries will follow the law. Amy today, Julian Assange for the hour. All of that and more coming up. Welcome to democracy now democr
And aware of who was around him and the things that he said in the presence of certain people. There was no retaliation. We were asked if we have spoken to anyone or had been contacted by anyone but other than that there wasnt anything. Ms. Hicks . No, and not for me personally. After the story came out i didnt stick around too much longer because eric conn did start to do things so crazy like have someone call my phone so he could stock some person. I didnt stay too much longer after that. How do you know that he had someone do that . Because he had actually spoken to Administrative Law judge andrus and he had given my phone number to an employee there and she had left several messages on my phone to let me know when the employee was going to be off work so that eric could send someone to follow her. So there is no doubt he felt intimidated. Very much so. I didnt want to be an bald in it. It was bad enough that she left messages on my phone but he actually asked me to drive to her hom
And the disabled and the chronic conditions, we have got to do more than just keep them covered, we have got to cover and then at th to the cost curv. David blumenthal at commonwealth has done a famous job explaining this. This is what the states are doing that i think its is reay exciting news. Im going to do another session on this. Reforming the Delivery System and reforming the way that we pay for care in this country. We have to treat Health Care Just like a bunch of economic and the words paying for value that is with medicaid is focused on these days i will stop there and look for questions at the end. Thank you. That is a great start this discussion and now we are going to turn over to daniel skyler who is the director of Exchange Technology and a former director of the technology for Utah Health Insurance exchange which has been in business as long as anybody. His colleagues have been helping a number of states prepare for the implementation, especially the exchanges and we ha
A fan. Its easy december seventeen i can watch. Ive been hearing a bit when youre watching our tea. N we begin today with an open letter that adverts and has written to the people of brazil and the letter which was published today in brazil spoke on newspaper son and said hed be willing to help brazil investigate the nsa spying on its soil but cannot fully participate in doing so without being granted political asylum. Because the Us Government posts will continue to interfere with my ability to speak. So then went on to say that of american senators tell us that brazil should not worry because this is not Surveillance Data collection they say its done to keep you say theyre wrong. There is a huge difference between needle programs and these programmes of dragnet mass surveillance that put entire populations and earned all seen time and say if copies for ever. Keep in mind that leaked documents have already revealed that brazil is the top and as a target mind america and that includes
Being held up for no reason other than they want to make sure that if we have somebody is going to be a Circuit Court judge we have to file cloture, thats two hours, i mean two days and then we have 30 hours and then and then we have on a simply moving to a piece of legislation we waste a week getting on that because of their obstruction and delay. So, madam president , its unfortunate that my friends talk about all the great things theyve done. Ill tell you the great things theyve done. This is i could give you lots of examples. We tried to do a highway bill. A highway bill. Important for this country. We have a deficit in infrastructure of 3 trillion. It wasnt much better a couple years ago. So what we brought believe that to that bill to the floor and this great amendment process, they want, what they wanted to stop women from getting contraceptives. That held things up a month, a month, before they got some sense and withdrew that. So, madam president , the republicans made a decis