Tom shakespeare, welcome to hardtalk. Thank you. Its great to be here. Its great to have you here. Now, in your personal life, in your professional life, everything has been intertwined in terms of your campaigning work, your academic work. I just wonder whether you ever for a moment considered going into something entirely disconnected from your own personal circumstances, Something Like accountancy, law, geology. And you know what . There are short people, restricted growth people, in all of those professions. There are farmers, teachers, solicitors, everything, who are short. But i didnt go that way. And so, as a social scientist, ive always been interested in what ive experienced. And so, obviously, disability has to be top of the list. Let me ask you about growing up, because your family has its own history, which is important, i think, to talk about. Your grandfather, it seems, experienced a mutation, a Genetic Mutation. My father. So he was born in 1927. William shakespeare unfo
Everything has been intertwined in terms of your campaigning work, your academic work. Ijust wonder whether you ever, for a moment, considered going into something entirely disconnected from your own personal circumstances . Something like accountancy, law, geology . You know what, there are short people, restricted growth people in all of those professions. There are farmers, teachers, solicitors, everything. But i did not go that way. So as a social scientist, ive always been interested in what others experience and so obviously disability has to be top of the list. Let me ask you about growing up. Your family has its own history, which is important to talk about, i think. Your grandfather, it seems, experienced a mutation, a genetic mutation. My father. So, he was born in 1927. William shakespeare unfortunate name. And his father, geoffrey, who was a Junior Minister in the liberal government the last time the liberals were in coalition was very worried about it and was very upset ab
You ever, for a moment, considered going into something entirely disconnected from your own personal circumstances . Something like accountancy, law, geology . You know what, there are short people, restricted growth people in all of those professions. There are farmers, teachers, solicitors, everything. But i did not go that way. So as a social scientist, ive always been interested in what others experience and so obviously disability has to be top of the list. Let me ask you about growing up. Your family has its own history, which is important to talk about, i think. Your grandfather, it seems, experienced a mutation, a genetic mutation. My father. So, he was born in 1927. William shakespeare unfortunate name. And his father, geoffrey, who was a Junior Minister in the liberal government the last time the liberals were in coalition was very worried about it and was very upset about it because suddenly his child was short. The reason i mention the grandfather first because isnt it the
Good afternoon and welcome everyone to the Mayors Disability Council here in room 400 here at city hall. Excuse me, hold on, please. Control room i need to caption. There we go, thank you, donna. Lets start again. Welcome everyone to the Mayors Disability Council meeting here at city hall friday, september 16 in room 400. From one4 pm so welcome to our audience and anyone are ridgeline and watching at home. I would like to turn over the introduction to our cochair chip supanich councilmember supanich, thank you good afternoon and welcome. City hall is accessible to persons using wheelchairs and other assistive mobility devices. Wheelchair access is provided at the grove van ness and mcallister streets bob via ramps. Wheelchair access at the polk st. , carlton b goodland entrance is provided via a wheelchair lift. Assistive listening devices are available in our meeting is open captioned and sign language interpreted. Our agenda are also available in large print and braille. Please ask
Commissioner loo is absent. Ow. Here. Roy. Simils. Present. Please note that commissioner mcgee is present. Could we have approval of the september, 7th, 2016 agenda. Seconded. Okay, it has been moved and seconded that we approve the september, the 7, 2016, agenda, all in favor, say aye. Aye. Opposed . And the ayes have it and so the motion is carried. And approval of the september 7th, consent agenda, could i have a motion to approve . So moved. Second. It has been moved and seconded that we approve the september, 7th 2016, consent agenda. All in favor say aye. Aye. The ayes have it and so the motion is carried. Item four, approval of the august third, Commission Meeting minutes. With some corrections . So moved. It has been moved. The corrections were a typo and just a name that was in the wrong place. Yes. If you will look in the back of the minutes there are some corrections in linda loo will present and then she has, and i want to mention our names mentioned and so those typos cor