graham: the message was the first hip-hop song that wasn t just a party song. it was talking about what was going on. it was talking about urban decay. it was talking about drugs, crime, prison, all these things that were hitting communities really hard. smuggleles, scramblblers, buburglars, gamblers pickpockets, peddlers, even panhandlers you say i m cool when the message hit, man, it was like, okay, put that down. what h he just sayay? pull t the record d back. plplay that agagain. don t pusush me c cause i m c close to ththe george: everyone knew the game had changed. and it really opened the flood gates for the next generation of rappers. [ indistininct rappingng ] it s nonot michael l jackso andnd this is n not thrill lover: when run-d.m.c. . came out, they w were takingng rock a and roll mumusic and puttining it togetether wiwith hip-hopop, and mamaking sometething brbrand-new ouout of it. y you can t t touch me with a t ten-foot popole andnd i e
i m a bearar. i m m coming outut of hibernrnn afafter the bebest nap of my lifefe. and papa i is hungry.. anand while yoyou re hittit the e trail, i m m hitting yoyour cooler. oh, cheddadar! i ve gotot hot dog b buns! and yourur cut-ratee car ininsurance mimight not papay for all l t. so get a allstate, a and be ber prototected fromom mayhem, lilike me. roar. (sfx: : family scrcreams in backgrouound) whenen you smellll the amag scent t of gain flflings. titime stops.. ( ) and yoyou realizee you re i in love.. steve? withth a laundryry deterge. ( ) gagain flings.s. seseriously gogood scent..
when thehe murrays d discoved gain scecent beads,, they fell l in love with the i irresistiblble sc. when thehe murrays d discoved gain scecent beads,, when thehe murrays d discoved gain scecent beads,, huh, huh, , so did ththeir dog roroger. gagain scent b beads keep e even the ststinkiest stf smelelling freshsh. when modererate to sevevere ulcecerative cololitis keeps flflaring, when modererate to sevevere ulcecerative cololitis put itit in check k with rin, a a once-dailyly pill. put itit in check k with rin, whenen uc got unprpredictable,e, i got rarapid symm relief witith rin. and left b bathrom urgegency behind. check. and left b bathrom urgegency behind. whwhen uc got t in my way,, i i got lastining, steroid-frfree remissision with rinvovoq. chececk. and whenen my gastroro saw dama, rinvoq helelped visiblbly repapair the cololon lining. chcheck. rapid sympmptom reliefef. laststing, steroroid-free remimission. rapid sympmptom reliefef. and a chchance to vivisibly repair
huh, huh, , so did ththeir dog roroger. gagain scent b beads keep e even the ststinkiest stf smelelling freshsh. (rosose h) smokiking causedd my lunung cancer.. ththey put thihis in e to d drain the f flui. (rosose h) smokiking causedd my lunung cancer.. every y day i prayayed that they y would remomov. (rosose h) smokiking causedd my lunung cancer.. my tip is bebe careful whatat you wish h for. that chestst tube hurtrt a lot t more comining out. my tip is bebe careful whatat you wish h for. ththen it did d going in.. (announcerer) you can n qui. ththen it did d going in.. for free h help, cacall 1-800-q-quit-now for free h help, my momom says thatat breyers is made wiwith real mimilk. i i think i cacan hear thehe m.
chair lying to the american public again and gagain. in essentially playing with the membership of our committee, in destroying some of the independence of the intelligence committee, in establishing a new select committee on the weaponization of the government, this orwelian committee, they won t want to share information because they re not going to trust mccarthy or the people he puts on these committees this. while shivchiff said this go to show he is caging to the majority. walmart is raising wages. 94% of the retail and warehouse workers are paid hourly. competitors such as amazon, costco and target have already