schedule for energy boost to the president. energy boost or confidence behind the president, more gravitas because bombarded with controversies? there s old expression in washington, when presidents when the going gets tough, get out of town. this is get out of town. but agree with david. this is what donald trump likes. when he first came into office he said do i get to do rallies anymore? after election day one of his first questions was can we go out and do more rallies? i think this absolutely is what he likes to do, in comparison to everything else going on, this is the good stuff for him. one point on this don, it s not that unusual in the first weeks of new presidency do rally-like events and campaign for your agenda.
we move on to the one state two state solution. someone sent me a note saying can someone just ask the question, president trump did you authorize anyone in your campaign staff to contact the russians about the obama administration s sanctions, yes or no? right. they ve been trying to ask a lot of questions. the one point i think we have to make in all of this is i thought what david said about serving the president to have this come out is all well and good, except the one thing that every republican has said that they can t wrap their head around is donald trump, his position on russia, right, he has never backed down on russia s good and putin is good, and, so, it s not as if he feels badly about this or he has a concern. and throughout the republican party people are mystified by this. is it just as simple, though, as maybe he didn t have as much knowledge about russia as
of an energy boost after four weeks, as you noted, of i mean, other than sort of the clean roll out of gorsuch, the supreme court nominee, every day this administration in its infancy has been battling brutal headlines, controversy after controversy and can t seem to get out from underneath itself. this to me look like something added to the schedule to serve as an energy boost to the president. oh, it s an energy boost or is it to competence behind the president, some more graovac tas because he has been bombarded with so many controversies, jayme? look, there is an old expression in washington when presidents, when the going gets tough, get out of town. right. and this is get out of town. i agree with david. this is what donald trump likes. when he first came into office, he says well, do i get to do rallies any more? after election day, one of his
mccarthy, one step further, put spokesman in high heels. i heard upset by that. but thought it this was hilarious, leslie jones playing donald trump, you have woman then african-american woman playing donald trump and i don t understand why they wouldn t let her do it. i think she should do it. i saw that sketch. it s kind of a bummer. joke on leslie. give her a shot. we know it would annoy him and be hilarious. let s do it. i think would be funny. annoying part, i think all should be taking this with grain of salt and laughing but doesn t appear at least one person. as comedians we know it s fun to make fun of the people in power and if you know it actually hurts their feelings, that s the most fun. let leslie play donald trump and
he s barnstormed around the country. whole investigation is about whether the trump campaign based improperly with respect to russia. i have no reason to think sessions was involved in that but he was involved in the campaign. conflict is really obvious. thank you gentlemen. coming up, donald trump called first reality show president but is he having issues facing reality? go to protect your vehicle?