here and that s a shame. i m not prepared to write off this investigation at this point. also congressional investigation going to take place. events have been happening so fast in the three weeks of the trump presidency. just been three weeks? four. three. we think all the answers we should have right now. let s slow down, see what the facts are. there are very good people involved in the investigations but don t announce someone is in the clear or implicated unless the investigation is finished. clear this up, why start investigation if there is no evidence and opposite. what are you speaking snf. comey just before the election announcing investigation into the e-mails when he had nothing new to go on, compromising that aspect of the election. and this quote kremlingate
mccarthy, one step further, put spokesman in high heels. i heard upset by that. but thought it this was hilarious, leslie jones playing donald trump, you have woman then african-american woman playing donald trump and i don t understand why they wouldn t let her do it. i think she should do it. i saw that sketch. it s kind of a bummer. joke on leslie. give her a shot. we know it would annoy him and be hilarious. let s do it. i think would be funny. annoying part, i think all should be taking this with grain of salt and laughing but doesn t appear at least one person. as comedians we know it s fun to make fun of the people in power and if you know it actually hurts their feelings, that s the most fun. let leslie play donald trump and
that s our system though. here s what he tweeted when the news came out about general flynn. he said the real story here is why are there so many illegal leaks coming out of washington? will these be happening as i deal on north korea et cetera. so when trump did. now he s basically he loved leaks as presidential candidate. and in the tweets insulting the intelligence community. first president to have the fbi, cia and black people mad at him at the same time. it s amazing. watch snl ? appointment television and that and black-ish are the two i can t miss. love that show. let s watch snl. then light terrorism this week when nordstrom s decided to stop selling ivanka trump s line