A recently-released book, “A House Built by Slaves: African American Visitors to the Lincoln White House,” uses letters, speeches and newspapers to explore the relationship Lincoln had with African Americans during the Civil War. It was released Feb. 12, Lincoln’s birthday.
Jonathan White’s new book, A House Built By Slaves, takes its title from Michelle Obama and is published at a time of intense controversy over American history and its teaching
Christopher Newport University’s associate professor of American Studies Jonathan W. White will discuss his latest book, “A House Built by Slaves: African American Visitors to the Lincoln White House” at 7 p.m. Monday on the Hampton History Museum's Facebook page.
Die beschauliche US-Hafenstadt stellt sich nur zaghaft der dunklen Historie der Sklaverei
Von Max Böhnel, Charleston
Lesedauer: 6 Min.
Foto: akg/science source
»Brrrr« ruft der Kutscher Jason seinem Gaul zu, der ein Dutzend Touristen im Schlepptau hat. Zum Glück ist das vierrädrige Gefährt mit einer Plane überdacht, die gegen die sengende Mittagssonne schützt. »Ok, move on, buddy«, fährt Jason fort. Die Straße ist frei, das Einbiegen nach links jetzt, wo ein Auto Vorfahrt hatte, für das gemächliche Zugpferd kein Problem mehr. Die einstündige Tour durch das historische Viertel von Charleston kann beginnen. »Wir sind für unsere ungewöhnliche Architektur berühmt«, erläutert Jason und deutet auf die Häuserzeile rechts. »Fast die Hälfte unserer Häuser sind in diesem Stil erbaut worden, dem sogenannten Charleston Single House«. Sie sind alleinstehend, haben jeweils nur eine Zimmerbreite, und die Eingangstür führt nicht in das Hausinnere hinein, sondern zur V
movies of the acid being poured into the pool, while visitors to st. augustine were in there, african-american visitors, and that was embarrassing enough to the southern senators, i understand, that it broke the filibuster that allowed the civil rights act of 64 to get signed. so, it s kind of symbolic that we were swimming together in this pool. the film is crossing in st. augustine. by the way, what joe bowles wle talking about, across the street corner president johnson signed the civil rights act into law. imagine being denied access to a loved one on their sick bed or maybe even their deathbed. it s happening across the nation right now. i want to share my thoughts in my xyz. one a day men s a complete multivitamin for my overall health. plus now it supports my heart health and helps maintain healthy blood pressure. [ engine revs ] whoa. [ man ] kinda makes your heart race, huh?