Under barack obama and Hillary Clinton defense spending is on track to fall to its lowest level as a share of the economy since the end of world war ii. We currently have the Smallest Army since 1940. The navy is among the smallest it has been since 1915. It is 100 years ago. The air force is the smallest it has been since 1947. When Ronald Reagan left office the navy had 592 ships. When barack Obama Took Office it had 285 ships. Today, the navy has just 276 ships. The average air force aircraft is 27 years old. We have secondgeneration b52 bombers their fathers. The same plane they are flying right now. This is not the United States. Our army has been shrinking rapidly. From 553,000 soldiers in 2009 to 479,000 soldiers today. Some decrease. You want to make it smaller. In 2009 our marine corps had 202,000 active marines. Today it is 182,000. Our ship count is below the minimum of 308 that the navy says is needed to execute its current michigans at a minimal level. President obama plan
Longer be operating in New Hampshire, in the exchange over just the first two quarters of this year alone. This move will leave 11,581s individuals in the Granite State looking for new held plans. Political reports, that one arizona county is poised to become an obama care ghosttown because no one can afford to sell them. That leaves 9700 people, in all ob arizona, although, with the no anticipations. Q. Millions need relief. Heres the action thats needed. They need immediate relief from the cost of Health Insurance and a lack of options the exchanges. We should do that, by giving states more flexibility, to give individuals and their families options to purchase lower cost private health plans outside ofn obamacare and we should do that now. I intend to offer this legislation that would provide that relief. Thats only to deal with the emergency of next year, of 2017 second, we need big structural change, in order to avoid a near collapse of our nations healtht insurance market. If the
Most dear, the thing hes tried to keep secret for years, his tax returns. In their first decision, the high court effectively paved the way for the Manhattan District Attorney to seek and likely retain those returns. Thats because they resoundingly demolished trumps bogus claim this as president he has absolutely immunity from criminal subpoenas. As chief Justice John Roberts made clear in the majoritys decision, no citizen, not even the president , is categorically above the common duty to produce evidence when called upon in a criminal proceeding. Meanwhile in their second decision the court set forth a new standard for congressional subpoenas of the president. They said those subpoenas must be no broader than reasonably necessary to support congresss legislative objective. The ruling sent both cases back to the lower courts. That means the congress effectively gets a do over. But in new york trump has likely run out of gas. That brings us to the second thing that donald trump learne
Las vegas. We took down the hollywood clique, which operated not only nevada but in california and in the Eastern District of new york. Again, long island. We took down 21 members and leadership of that organization. And then, finally these are the new york indictees. Finally, i announce we are going to seek the Death Penalty against a leader in the Eastern District of new york. A leader of ms13 there. The president made a trip to brentwood new york earlier in his administration, and he met with the families of victims that had been killed by ms13, including the family of two young girls who were butchered with machetes. The person that we are seeking the Death Penalty against was involved in those murders as well as the murder of two africanamericans who they just saw on the street and thought they were from a rival gang and just butchered. Those are the actions we are taking. There are more coming as we target the leadership of ms13. We are working very closely with the el salvador e
Donald trumps and his companys financial records, today revealed that his investigation into the president and into his company just might be much broader and more serious than previously known. It was a year ago that the manhattan d. A. , cy vance, subpoenaed eight years of tax returns and financial records from the president s accounting firm. Vances office had opened a criminal investigation into the role that the president and his business played in that hush money scheme payments that were made in the runup to the 2016 election. The hush money, if you remember, went to women who claimed they had had affairs with donald trump. Karen mcdougal and porn star, Stormy Daniels. The president tried to block the manhattan d. A. s subpoena, taking his case all the way to the Supreme Court. Arguing that he, as president , had total and complete immunity from criminal investigation. But last month, the Supreme Court ruled against the president , saying that the president does not have immunit