Aether Industries share price: The stock was last seen trading 1.80 per cent lower at Rs 891.55. At this price, it has rebounded 14.60 per cent from its 52-week low of Rs 778, a level seen last month on November 30. The scrip had slipped after a major fire engulfed its chemical manufacturing facility in Gujarat's Surat city.
Aether Industries share price: The scrip today slipped 6.08 per cent to hit a 52-week low price of Rs 778.55. At this price, it has declined 14.14 per cent in two sessions. On BSE, around 36,000 shares changed hands today at the time of writing this story. The figure was more than twice when compared to the two-week average volume of 17,000 shares.
Incorporated in 2013, Surat-based Aether Industries was listed in June 2022, when the company raised a little more than Rs 808 crore from its initial stake sale by selling its shares for Rs 642 apiece.
Aether Industries shares rose by 4% following a licence agreement with Saudi Aramco Technologies for the commercialisation of Converge polyols technology.