not revealing. and there s an investigation, both a criminal investigation and aeronautical investigation. and we ll find out in the fullness of time. do i think we are any closer to knowing why? no. we have a variety of circumstantial evidence. i have never seen so much one and one plus one and we ll get to it half a dozen or more if we can. this pilot business is just breathtaking. it s mind boggling the way in which journalists are just throwing every rule that we ve ever been taught from day one. whoops, out the window. now, where we are getting closers finding wreckage. in the last 48 hours, 72 hours, we ve had the japanese with their ten pieces, we ve got the thais with their 300 pieces, the french with their 122 pieces. and it s not close to each other but it s not far from each other. could it all just be wreckage out there anyway in the ocean? the ocean is full of this kind of stuff. but not at this level. i don t know. not at this level. sounds unlikely. and the experts t