The Supreme Court on Friday (April 5) stayed the Allahabad High Court s March 22 judgment striking down the Uttar Pradesh Board of Madarsa Education Act 2004 as unconstitutional."We are of the view.
Justice Nagarathna said that the bench that passed the judgement in the Bilkis Bano case, comprising herself and Justice Ujjal Bhuyan, has to hear the applications. The apex court then directed its Registry to seek orders from the Chief Justice of India for the constitution of the bench and listing of the case on Friday. Bilkis Bano Case: Three Convicts Move Supreme Court for Extension of Time To Surrender; Hearing on January 19.
The Supreme Court on Thursday (January 18) agreed to hear applications filed by three of the convicts in the Bilkis Bano case seeking an extension of time to surrender before jail authorities.Senior.
Bilkis Bano case: 3 convicts move SC for extension of time to surrender; hearing on January 19 - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.
The Supreme Court on Wednesday posed the question of whether a right to seek remission fell under any of the fundamental rights in the Constitution Bilkis Yakub Rasool v. Union of India and ors