The Delhi High Court has appointed former Jammu and Kashmir High Court Chief Justice Gita Mittal as the chairperson of the Committee of Administrators to discha
New Delhi, Feb 13: The Delhi High Court has appointed former Jammu and Kashmir High Court Chief Justice Gita Mittal as the chairperson of the Committee of Administrators to discharge the functions of the Table Tennis Federation of India (TTFI). Justice Rekha Palli, in its detailed order, appointed former Jammu and Kashmir High Court judge justice Gita Mittal as chairperson and Chetan Mittal, Senior Advocate and SD Mudgil, a renowned athlete as a member of the committee. “This Court is, […]
The Delhi High Court has appointed former Jammu and Kashmir High Court Chief Justice Gita Mittal as the chairperson of the Committee of Administrators to discha
The Delhi High Court has appointed former Jammu and Kashmir High Court Chief Justice Gita Mittal as the chairperson of the Committee of Administrators to discharge the functions of the Table Tennis Federation of India (TTFI).