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law for day five of the shooting trial in the death of his girl friend. prosecutors digging up his past and calling an ex-girlfriend to the witness stand. will a judge believe her tearful testimony. first time our relationship ended was when he cheated on me with, i m sorry. take your time, please. ok, here s the way the system works. let s say you pay your guy around 2 percent to manage your money. that s not much, you think except it s 2 rcent every year. does that make a difference? search cost of financial advisors ouch! over time it really adds up. then go to e trade and find out how much our advice costs. over tispoiler up. it s low. really? yes, really. e trade offers investmen advice and guidance from dedicated professional financial consultants.
over time it really adds up. then go to e trade and find out how much our advice costs. spoiler alert. it s low. really? yes, really. e trade offers investment advice and guidance from dedicated professional financial consultants. it s guidance on your terms not ours that s how our system works. e trade. less for us, more for you.
going to be fixed now. everybody is entitleed to health insurance plan right now and no one can be turned away for preexisting conditions and i am hear to hear what the republicans have to propose. that will have to be another segment guys. we have a lot of breaking news. thank you so much. thank you. and the chairman of the house intelligence committee comparing russian president putin s moves to a game of chess. he is playing chess and we are playing marbles and it is not even close. garry kasparov is here today and his message for president putin and president obama next. ok, here s the way the system works. let s say you pay your guy around 2 percent to manage your money. that s not much, you think except it s 2 rcent every year. does that make a difference? search cost of financial advisors ouch! over time it really adds up. then go to e trade and find out how much our advice costs.
excellent work for all of us. coming up, a growing number of republicans that are piling on president obama s handling of this crisis in ukraine, one even linking it to the deadly attack in benghazi. dana bash caught up with that senator to get some answers. how on sert what s happening in the ukraine a result of what happened in benghazi? ok, here s the way the system works. let s say you pay your guy around 2 percent to manage your money. that s not much, you think except it s 2 percent every year. does that make a difference? search cost of financial advisors ouch! over time it really adds up. then go to e trade and find out how much our advice costs. spoiler alert. it s low. really? yes, really. e trade offers investment advice and guidance from dedicated professional financial consultants. it s guidance on your terms not ours that s how our system works. e trade. less for us, more for you. .and let in the dog that woke the man who drove to the control room