Make your weirdness a unifier, not a polarizerBob Burg devoted his Daily Impact newsletter this morning to endorsing a concept he found in Robert Greene’s book, The Daily Laws: 366 Meditations on Power, Seduction, Mastery, Strategy, and Human Nature: “Always stick to what makes you weird, odd, strange, different. That’s your
Age is NOT one of the reasons to vote for or against a presidential candidateI finally got around to watching Jon Stewart’s return monologue. Yuck! I was a fan of Jon Stewart but this is ageist crap! Yes, Biden is old. So is Trump, as Stewart admits. While I have
How We Can PREVENT a Fascist Takeover of the USThe Washington Post s Robert Kagan outlined a dismal road to fascism if DT is somehow elected in 2024. Read his piece and then come back here: DT is likely to win the nomination, yes. And should he win in November, a second
When a company claims that customers don t object to bad practices, are they clueless, or are they lying?Heather Cox Richardson reported in her newsletter this morning about a government crackdown on hidden charges such as airline baggage fees:An airline lobbyist testified at a federal hearing in March that changing the
Farwest Corrosion Control Company, a leader in cathodic protection and corrosion control announced the internal promotion of Kenji Gailey to the role of President, succeeding Troy Rankin, who transitions to a senior advisory role. Gailey, formerly the Vice President of Construction Services, will leverage his extensive background in products, construction