The department has met all of the applicable notice requirements. As noted on the agenda, members of the public may observe this teleconference meeting via sf gov tv and may Public Comment by calling the published Public Comment phone number. I would like to welcome the members of the public and staff who are watching online, sfgovtv. The Commission Asks and thanks for your patience during these unprecedented times. Teleconferencing has never happened in our history. That being said, we respectfully ask the public to have patience and expect delays and gaps during the meeting, particularly during Public Comment. Were working diligently to learn and become familiar with this new system as this may be the way we conduct future Commission Meetings. Madam secretary, please call the role. Thank you, president. Commissioners, please respond when i call your name. role call . Please note shereen mcfadam is present and president , we have a quorum. Thank you. Commissioners, the next item is it
Participates in the citys planning process. Every five years theres a Strategic Plan and we also prepare annual action plans. Director mcfadden presented that to you earlier in the fall and provided an update a couple months ago. That plan covers all of the departments work, all of its programs. We also have a fouryear planning cycle that was established by the dignity fund. This includes Community Needs assessment and fouryear funding plan. That process covers all Services Eligible to serve funds from the dignity fund. Its looking at about 70 million. And then the area plan were talking about today is similarly focused on mostly Community Based services. We get 7 million from the state for those services. Thats about 10 of the budget for the office of Community Partnerships. As much as possible, we try to align these efforts, and an example of that is the Needs Assessment from the dignity fund is the primary Needs Assessment informing this area plan. Similarly, the departments Strateg
Approve the agenda. So moved. Do we have a second . Any discuss in all in favor. Any opposed . Motion carries. May i have a motion to approve the february 5th, 2020, Meeting Minutes . Thank you. Do i have a second. Second. Any discussion . All in favor. Any opposed . Thank you. The motion carries. Now i would like to introduce our newest commissioner, nelson lum, wholl tell us about his background. Thank you. Mr. Chair, fellow commissioners, ladies and gentlemen, good morning, my name is nelson lum, and im the newly appointed member of this commission. Ive been a resident since 1961, and i went to school here. Upon graduation from George Washington high school, in 1966, i was soon notified by uncle sam that he had a special interest in me. I was inducted in the army where i volunteers to be a member of the paratrooper unit, and after training, i was assigned to kentucky with 101st airborne division. In 1967, my division was deployed to vietnam. Luckily, i returned in november 1968, wit
The february 5th, 2020, Meeting Minutes . Thank you. Do i have a second. Second. Any discussion . All in favor. Any opposed . Thank you. The motion carries. Now i would like to introduce our newest commissioner, nelson lum, wholl tell us about his background. Thank you. Mr. Chair, fellow commissioners, ladies and gentlemen, good morning, my name is nelson lum, and im the newly appointed member of this commission. Ive been a resident since 1961, and i went to school here. Upon graduation from George Washington high school, in 1966, i was soon notified by uncle sam that he had a special interest in me. I was inducted in the army where i volunteers to be a member of the paratrooper unit, and after training, i was assigned to kentucky with 101st airborne division. In 1967, my division was deployed to vietnam. Luckily, i returned in november 1968, with all my fingers and my toes. I took advantage of the gi bill and completed a degree in criminology. I then joined the San Francisco Police De
Services. So in this one, we picked d encourage and support collaboration across providers, government agencies, and other partners. So through informal and formal partnerships, we will seek to leverage expertise and reduce duplication to best serve client populations. This includes supporting our contractors, to develop new collaborations as well as supporting other fields and Service Systems to work with older people and adults with disabilities. Some examples are the Home Safe Program that i just talked about as well as Community Based collaborations like the alzheimers association, working with open house to develop the Dementia Care training. Goal five is to support and develop and engage professional workforce prepared to work with older people and adults with disabilities. The rationale for goal five is that for older people and people with disabilities to live in Engaging Community is critical that San Francisco has a robust professional workforce trained in these issues and tr