his shoulder it looks like a weathertech a puck in the mouth and b here he s like god ,why would he looked like he was enjoying himself? actually looked likeer a comedy show. now, laura , with so much choreography at the white house, you c can hardly blame biden for acting outfon on occasion. you know, how you occasionally read about individuals wandering out of a memory care unit. yeah, into the woods, fore instance. well,ds f you tell me what this white house video complete with lousy edits looks like to you. i m going to weou absolutely ned to reduce our emissions and stop global warming. if we re going to keep a lot of our forests, what can we c do most conservation keeping these, parks expanding on the parks. i was thrilled to hear about your executive order t and just your passion in matters. we ve got a shot now we haven t had in a while. well, thank you so much.uc well,h. i hope i see you again. now let me get back to
harlem children educationally homeless. how did the parents of0 these displaced students feel? take a look at some of the ads f that are running in new york city. i love charter t for the sime fact that i need the help. i was grown up in the era where it takes a village to raise a child. this is my village. we need chartermy schools to continue to keep on going. they are doing a great job for my kid and thousands of parents of the kids.pare as regular students, we rear going to give you the greatest education. we need these politicians to keep our schools open. i voted for de blasio, but i didn t vote for you to take my child s future. allll right. andrea, i m going to start with you. new york politics expert. de blasio said he was going to do this.e b in some ways you might say, okay. he won by 85% of the vote, even though the participation rate was h low. so maybe did these parents kindi of end up with the government that they chose? i don t think they know what they were