and you also worked with governor romney on his health care bill, is that right? yes. so my question is this. sitting here today what do you say to those people who are trying to eliminate the aca and who are quoting your statements as the reason to repeal health care for millions of americans and many of might have constituents and people watching us right now on c-span? what do you say to them? i would say that made a series of inexcusable and offensive comments where i conjectured with a tone of expertise to try to make myself seem smarter by demeaning others and i apologize for that. but my flaws as private citizen, not a politician, not a political advisor, my flaws as a private citizen should not reflect on process by which the aca was passed or the success of that law itself. now administrator tavenner, you ve been before our committee
issues. there are no speeches here today? that s does the secretary wish to respond briefly? sir, i would say this document is a document signed by administrator tavenner which discusses mitigation strategies for security that are ongoing and upgraded in an authorization to operate on a permanent basis will not be signed until the mitigation strategies are satisfied. it is under way right now. but daily and weekly monitoring and testing is under way. there are people using this system today and she s just admitted again that the system zash mr. chairman, she didn t admit that. gentleman s time as expired. mr.dale. thank you. madame secretary, welcome. those of us who fought for this law who voted for this law have
in terms of what the role will entail, what the outlines are, yes, sir. okay. hard-working american taxpayers have already paid for this implementation once. do you think it s fair to ask taxpayers to pay more so that qssi can now attempt to do something that administrator tavenner and her team were unable to do right the first time? i think the american taxpayers expect us to get the site up and running. i m certain they did. they expected it the first time. i understand. so did i. we have not expended the funds that have been encumbered for the contracts. we will monitor every dime we spend from here on in and reaudit things that are going forward. well, with that, mr. chairman, i yield back. gentleman yields back. mr. long. thank you, mr. chairman. thank you, secretary, for being here today. given your testimony, earlier today you said that i m responsible for the
quickly answer. there s been no other speeches here today? that s shocking. does the secretary wish to respond briefly? sir, i would just say this document is a document signed by administrator tavenner which discusses mitigation strategies for security that are ongoing and upgraded and an authorization to operate on a permanent basis will not be signed until these mitigation strategies are satisfied. it is under way right now but daily and weekly monitoring and testing is under way. mr. chairman, there are people using this system today and she just admitted today the system isn t secure mr. chairman, she didn t admit that. you said it but she didn t say it. the gentleman s time has expired. mr. doyle. thank you, mr. chairman. madam secretary, welcome. those of us who fought for this law, who voted for this law have a vested interest in its success
largely a result of the decision to prevent browsing of the plans. cgi federal testified at their hearing last week that they had designed the website to allow users to browse and compare plans before having to create an account. mrs. campbell told us that would weeks prior to the october 1st launch, they were told to turn off the browsing feature. were you aware in september that this decision was made? sir, i wasn t aware of that particular decision. that was made by the cms team. i was aware that they were pairing back some features to not put additional risk on the website. who made that decision? administrator tavenner made that decision. and do you know why that was made? yes, sir. because we were anxious to get the website up and running and functional. which we clearly have failed to do to date.