when it comes to the overall risk pool, young people can give almost pure profit to insurance companies. those with preexisting conditions must have to carry it all. insurance companies may have to be bailed out at tax payer expense something some in congress are trying to head off. all of these companies are all going to apply to the federal government for the bailout. under the law they are entitled to it. we need to stop that. if the anti bailout proposal moves forward in congress it could create a very awkward vote for democrats. how much money is going to be spent trying to get these young people to sign up? the governor of maryland saying they will not be using the federal healthcare ghealthc while the state site is down. it clashed after the october 1st
that s not happening. phone calls aren t coming in. they re actually going to the people. but you have some breaking news to tell me about with regard to the navigators curriculum before the october 1st launch. what happened? that s right. each of these navigators, they took a curriculum. they were supposed to logon in september. that system crashed for them in september. so one of the navigators i work with, he said, that really foreshadowed in debacle that occurred in october. they weren t able to go on for the first two weeks of september, though they were supposed to begin their training. then the same thing happened where they would get notices that the site was overwhelmed with users. that was just the navigators logging on. and that they should not logon at peak times. north carolina is where you were imbedded. it s my understanding that some navigators had some success in signing people up the old fashioned way, with paper and pen. but the caveat to that is, when they actu
the northeast and we will be looking a little bit better. for the rest of the country. here is your outlook for today. a lot of sunshine dominating most of the country with temperatures in the 50s across the south. a little bit cooler up in the north. then the entire country gradually warms up by sunday. yea! it s nice to have a quiet day after all those storms on wednesday. so nice to see it quiet. it is nice. the obama administration s own deadline to fix the healthcare.gov website is tomorrow. the white house is promising smoother sailing on the site for most people as opposed to the hair pulling experience from the october 1st launch. earlier this week, there was another setback. small businesses wenton t be ab to enroll online for another year. the million dollar question is the website hack it? white house officials are afraid a big spike in traffic could cause problems and sources in the insurance industry tell cnn,
healthcare.gov website is tomorrow. the white house is promising smoother sailing on the site for most people as opposed to that hair pulling experience from the october 1st launch. earlier this week, there was another setback for small businesses. they will not be able to enroll online for another year. the million dollar question can the website hack it? white house officials are afraid a big spike in traffic could cause problems and sources in the insurance industry tell cnn there s no way the site can be completely fixed by tomorrow. one government official has already tried to temper expectations saying, november 30th isn t some magical date and that the site will still have issues. but it s not all obama care all the time. at 1600 pennsylvania avenue this weekend there s some festive
in both the new york times and washington post. cgi and the president, months before the failed launch, problems. cgi told the administration it was making impossible demands and administration officials insisting the october 1st launch was non-negotiable. accusing cgi of missing deadlines and making excuses, and here s the kicker. according to that report, the government agency s chief operating officer, michelle snyder, was telling her colleagues if we could fire them, we would. the washington post article goes into depth about what people thought would and wouldn t work just days before the launch. then in the final pre-flight checklist, 41 of 91 separate functions that cgi was responsible for finishing by the launch were still not working. so, fred, it really seems like today, and probably for the next