Minding my own business and teaching a course here in georgetown. Its good to see my students here in the front row. I think that the president asked me to do this with other complex projects and most recently when we did the recovery act in the first two years of the administration. He said to try to coordinate. We have every single federal Agency Working on some element of fighting ebola here at home or overseas. For me, i have been able to climb the learning curve and sylvia burr well at hhs. My objective is to make sure they are workinging to and we are reallocating resources and getting decisions quickly from the president and making the difficult spoiss that need to be made. The thing that has been surprising me, but humbling to me is the vast array of people who are acting to fight this disease every single day. We are sitting here today and my favorite spots on planet earth and there hundreds of volunteer workers in Community Care centers and liberia and sierra leone who take v
Call. Republicans you can weigh in on social media. Or send us an email. Here is one of the many stories this saturday morning as the Senate Remains in limbo here. Nomineesll from the are at issue as senators try to wrap up the 113th congress. The story comes from alex. Alex all us from folsom. Caller harry reid wants to move a batch of 20 nominees. He has been saying for weeks now that these nominees will get done in the lameduck and republicans dont want to provide any expedited consideration. The democrats have the votes because they changed the precedent one year ago. They only need a simple majority to get these guys past and they havent but republicans are not cooperating. They are not giving back anytime. We are going to have a votes throughout the day today. Perhaps as many as 40 procedural votes. Its justally pettiness. This is something that these nominees will pass anyway. Reid said he would vote on them but republicans dont want to speed it up. We will be voting throughout
Accjc permit city college if it chose to opt into a prosthat would confer upon it the due process st. Had lacked. Required the accjc submitted a report with all the deficiencies and gave the callling a opportunity to respond. City college was not a party in our carcand as the court acknowledged that limited what the court could do or command city college to do. But thein the end i think the lute achieved really important objectives. First the reliminary injunction gave city college time where the termination decision wasnt held in advance. It also gave the accjc [inaudible] city college pass adnew process. New process it presented to the city college. It was called restoration. Restoration was aprosthat the accjc unfolded to give the college a opportunity to reactivate or come from under the termination decision. If not for the lawsuit city college may have closed. There arecity college has amazing support, but the accjc is the only accredter and losing accredidation is a hefty price a
Good afternoon supervisors. Im going to begin by echoing what you said about the City Attorneys Office and the extraordinary work that [inaudible] and colleagues there did. All most immediately following the accjc announcement it would terminate city colleges accredidation in 2013, i think the City Attorney got where the accjc was taking college wasnt a good place and he and his office stepped up in a huge way to protect this vital civic institution. Some attorneys i know are involved, i may not name all of them, evon [inaudible] tom [inaudible] and matte goldburg all just incredible wurks and get calls from them on weekends and night. They were working all the time for about a 6 month period i think on this. Evon talked a little about what we got out of it and agree with everything that she said. Securing the injunction from judge car now the accjc cannot terminate accredidation until had case had run the course, the City Attorneys Office [inaudible] would not be able to can close cit
Have paid staff. They also said the acts they committed were not unlawful or unfair. They said they were like courts so actions should be barred by judicial immunity. They said our action is preimpative but the United States department of education acknowledges accredters and said [inaudible] called nora penningten which protects certain political speech. All these there ease were shot down by the court. We had a series of dooling motions for summary adudeication trying to widdle down what would be kwide at trial. We won a very small portion thofe motion, but the court wanted to have a trial. Wanted a trial quickly and the trial was set for the last week of oct2014. The trial lasted 5 days. There were numerous witnesses who gave testimony. We presented life experlt testimony. The court also permitted to submit testimony in the form of deposition transscripts. The court heard the arguments, considered all the evidence and issued a tentative decision and that decision found that the ajcc